
If you tell enough people to watch out for high blood pressure you are eventually going to get this one right. Especially in the US. Most of the people in my family have high blood pressure. Statistically, someone is likely to have a health problem related to it. You almost can’t lose with this, either you accurately

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

No one is saying it’s a Anti Emma Watson, pro - Beyoncé post. What is implied, for some inexplicable reason, Watson has fallen on the wrong side of Jezebel. Beyoncé can do and say whatever the fuck she wants, and will always be praised for it. If Beyoncé was hiding feminist books in on the subway, writers here would

I think they meant more, why is she on this list? I didn’t see anything in her tweet that made it worthy of the worst tweets of the day.

I know she went around hiding books in the subway. I don’t see the problem with the tweet? I don’t get why people are so hard on Emma Watson.

As a young intern in a rehab unit that served mainly tbi, quadra/Paraplegia it was atv’s in the summer/fall, ski’s/snowboards in the winter, cars year round...

They crash and roll regularly, so seat belts “help” prevent massive injury in these scenarios. ATVs are basically horrible in every conceivable way.

I am blaming her family. It’s reckless and stupid to let an eight year old child drive an ATV alone.

I’m blaming the fuck out of her family. What kind of morons let an 8 year old drive an ATV? Unless it’s a child’s “My first ATV” type of thing

Every ATV owner I’ve ever met says how terribly safe they are yet also has a ‘totally fluke not normal CRAZY freak accident’ story about someone they know (or themselves) being horribly and permanently injured while riding an ATV. They are barely safe for adults yet people pop kids on them as young as 5 years old.

Do not allow your children to drive ATVs! They are so dangerous that actually no one should be driving them.

I grew up in the Woodley Park area of DC. It’s very leafy and tree-filled, and has plenty of natural cover. If she avoids getting hit by a car, she could do very well, actually. Rock Creek Park, with a nice clean creek to drink from and lots of chipmunks and squirrels to eat, is just next door.

Her friends were on just outside my bathroom window a few days ago.

Sure wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression about choking his wife and dragging her down the stairs. Those liberal “news” outlets always put the most salacious spin on perfectly normal, conservative marriage dynamics.

That’s not fair. Fox News is also abusive.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.