
You know, after, what, dozens? hundreds? of sexual assaults—and let’s be clear, by law, that is what grabbing someone’s butt without consent is—I have no problem with this. She was defending herself from ongoing assault and gaslighting, and that’s what she came up with.

As a ball-haver, I’ll say this. Getting hit in the balls is awful. But if men are going to be bigger and stronger (generally, there are a lot of women that could kick my ass in a fair fight) then women absolutely should go after the balls when threatened. I taught my sister that, I taught my nieces that, and it’s the

I’m sorry, having your friends laugh at you being routinely groped and so feeling like the best you can do is laugh along is “putting up a front you can’t maintain”? Fuck that. You grab me, you get what you get.

And Michael, too. My college boyfriend reprimanded me for putting pantyliner wrappers in the garbage in his bathroom because his roommate would tease him for it. I was so humiliated. I didn’t occur to me then to be pissed at him and his stupid roommate. I feel sad for my younger self, and I’ll never stop being pissed

This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.

Fuck Tom and all the Toms of the world.

My ideal wardrobe is basically everything Rooney Mara wore on her “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” promotion circuit!

Isn’t it supposed to be RIDIC, anyway? I mean if you insist on using dumbass slang, at least get it right.

You get a modified FitBit, to make sure you’re maintaining a healthy amount of Basic behavior.


Do you know what a better “statement” would have been? Not to feed his giant ego and NOT name him “Person of the Year”.


Sure... but it’s almost always stranger rape, which is rare, whereas date rape (the most common) is underrepresented. When people want “trauma” they want extreme violence etc. but the real trauma is usually a discomfort that you can’t really pinpoint, or stress reactions in “normal” situations, ongoing trust issues

Come on, like none of those bad hombres wanted to saddle up and ride?

Now I understand, it's old fashioned Facebook!

It’s so you can humblebrag to all the people who unfollowed you on Facebook.

My daughter and I do anti-Christmas card pictures each year (well, for the past few years). We aren’t a stuffy family and it’s our way of giving the finger to establishment and propriety here in the South.

Still not as awful as the "family note" that goes in every card letting us know how many times little Jimmy spit up at Thanksgiving dinner.

Ah Christmas cards with kids... the Yuletide humblebrag.