
I’d modify this a bit to say that the guys you mentioned have also been presented as angry or aggressive—but in a way did great things to their masculine “bad boy” image. While Serena gets a lot of finger-wagging. I remember that long before today and the catsuit incident, it was about her grunting or being visibly dis

The older I get, the more the term hysterical provokes a cold, decidedly unhysterical, fury.

The phrase: “The mother of all meltdowns,” attached to Serena when male tennis players like Andy Roddick and the guy literally famous for his short temper, John Fucking McEnroe really REALLY puts into light how sexist tennis is.

I’m a night owl, but I wouldn’t want to do my own nails late for fear they wouldn’t be dry when I did go to sleep.

Thank God an expert showed up. Previously we were stuck taking the word of the woman this experience actually happened to.

No, really.

this is gross. everything you wrote here is just mindlessly paternalistic garbage. 

“TLDR: Female, know your place and keep quiet.”

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

Anyone notice all the minorities in TV/movies that have been released in the past year or 2?

your posting history, if not begs, implies to differ.

No fucking kidding. How about instead of bashing her for climbing herself out of the pits of hell, we fucking congratulate her for coming out on top.

I can’t tell you how to flirt. I can tell you how NOT to flirt:

You make vengeance sound like a bad thing!

Seriously, tho - actions need to have consequences.

One of those consequences needs to be him getting fired from Alamo and staying fired.

He can work other places

As I said elsewhere on this thread, UPS is hiring

So is Walmart

Ive never been to one, but Ill take a crouching waiter over an asshole on his phone every time.

You’re not going to get sued for flirting

You probably won’t even get sued for harassment.

You claim not to know the difference - well, let me ask you to do a thought experiment.

Imagine you are talking to a big strong gay bodybuilder - a guy physically powerful enough that he could make you do pretty much whatever he

That’s a breathtakingly stupid argument


this: In 1982 I worked in a lumber yard. The boss had no more than high school education. One day I’m standing there and a cashier complains that the manager put his hands on her shoulders, giving an unwanted “massage”. The boss where did it happen, and she told him in the backstock shed. He told her to wait for him

Are you serious? The threshold for criminal prosecution is not the bar for employee behavior nor should it be. The one who needs to STFU and do some soul searching is you.