
Me too. As one half of an interracial couple this makes me especially happy. Also, their engagement is gonna make the Daily Mail and their racist-ass readers SO MAD hahahahahahahaha

It’s not that it never happens that way, it’s that more women have to go through that cycle of “Will this guy be okay to interact with or will he become violent if I don’t do what he wants”. The “strange man in an alley leaps out and attacks” scenario may be rare but it’s happened just enough that women can’t rule it


And whose intelligence is inversely related to how hot she is? AWESOME!!!

I read all those Xanth books! No wonder I had so much internalized misogyny as an adolescent. Do you remember the woman whose personality and appearance fluctuated monthly? She was an ugly, but brilliant harpy who was kept in a pit, then changed to an average looking woman of average intelligence, and then changed to

A female character who changes depending on the time of the month! GENIUS!!!

Yeah, I coincidentally just re read the first three Xanth books, which I liked as a kid. ALL the women are so poorly written as to be almost comical. And not in a good way. I was like , ‘Welp, so much for that. Never picking it up again.’

We definitely see eye to eye on this. I was a big fan when I was a kid. Things were starting to make me uneasy as time went on and after reading Firefly I tried to go back and read his Xanth novels again and my eyes were opened to juuuust how creepy Mr. Anthony was. What a shame.

Piers Anthony’s depiction of women generally is horrible. I LOVED his books as a young reader, until finally the “WTF?” pile built up too high and I just couldn’t move past it anymore.

Athleisure and pivot. Two of my least favorite words together in one headline.

Hate-watch is exactly what my husband and I did. After every episode, my husband looked at me and said, “I’m not sure if I like this show,” and then before we knew it, we had finished it.

My best friend was murdered 10 years ago this year. I decided to look up her family, maybe get back in touch with them, or at least send a card. They are all dead. Her grandma and her mom had cancer, her brother killed himself and I think her dad just got old. It is the weirdest, most surreal feeling. It feels like

I miss you, Tim Himmelheber. You’ve been dead almost 35 years, but I’ve never forgotten you, and I never will. You helped me for the joy of it, and I always remember.

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

I am a woman in a male dominated field, and I have very, very thick skin when it comes to joking around or casual workplace teasing and whatnot. I also have a very foul mouth myself, so I take it as well as I dish it out. But the tech industry in general has always has been very hard for women to navigate. Before you

What an odd image to use in an attempt to bolster your point. Note how the woman in this cartoon makes a statement, then spends 5 panels just looking at the guy like “what the fuck is wrong with you” as he throws his own histrionic attention-grabbing party because he doesn’t like what she said. In that sense, it’s a

You should post this on a article about Bill Cosby. Because 300 women don’t equal the value of one man’s opinion or account of events. Tired of this shit, go be an edgelord on i09

like what a person looks like even matters? women of all appearances can and do get harassed