Lifehacker, stop asking me to sign up for your newsletter over and over and over and over again...
Lifehacker, stop asking me to sign up for your newsletter over and over and over and over again...
Don’t want to get hit?
I wonder what the average person would do if they found themselves in a car surrounded by angry protestors punching their windshield and threatening them. Get out and surrender to the crowd? Sit there and wait until they flip your car over? Try to move the car forward through the crowd slowly? Or slam the gas?
Have any of these people ever gotten packages delivered to them? I have an unlocked deck box on my front porch with a sign on it that says “Packages here, please” and maybe a third of mine end up there, regardless of who does the delivering. All they have to do is open the top and that’s too much trouble.
Have any of these people ever gotten packages delivered to them? I have an unlocked deck box on my front porch with…
Made In China btw.
Made In China btw.
In before all the Tesla fanboys come and tell you how you are dumb, wrong, that windshield wiper controls in a touch screen are actually the best way to handle controlling them (because reasons), people who can’t figure it out are dumb, and you should bow before your new lord Elon Musk
That would be the case if the governor wasn’t a 3rd rate Sarah Palin wannabe.
They can all get fucked too. 2020 can get fucked. These bikers can get fucked.
STOP BEING SO POLITICAL! I’M TIRED OF IT! I used to come to Jalopnik to read about car news and funny witty articles about mishaps Demuro was having with his cheap exotics or how Torch was working on an old beater. Now all it seems like Jalopnik has become a crazy leftist political hack site spewing hatred toward’s…
Next up, Holocaust jokes.
“Elon is literally saving the world”
I thought we all agreed that him making Nissan’s portfolio so crappy was criminal.... badumtiss.
Asian countries are weird about business stuff. I had a coworker that did a lot of work in South Korea. The South Koreans decided that they didn’t want to pay a bill and my company at the time decided to stop work and send my coworker back home. When he got to the airport, he was arrested and spent a two nights in…
Why don’t you give us your country of origin so we know who to kill first when WW3 pops off you idiot.
And let’s not forget that there is a damn plague happening. Public transportation is filthy and inclusive use case means more plague bearers on the bus with you.
Here’s the thing about 15 minute cities: They’re terrible.
“Anyway, lock your cars, don’t let them sit too long, and consider fitting an old school steering lock if you street-park your machine”
Or, you could just, you know, get a membership.