This is what we'll show whenever you publish anything on Kinja:

I mean, you’re completely wrong. But hey, you typed some stuff. Great story.

Or you could grow up and stop trying to control other adults.

We DIYers were vaping for a decade before the Tobacco companies really decided to enter the market. Yes, they’re in it now, but vaping came about to get us away from their grasp.

Ideal, yes, because prohibition works wonderfully. Give your head a shake man.

True. However:

Can we not enjoy nicotine without a guaranteed death sentence? Is that ok with you?

People have been “vaping” cannabis extracts for a hundred years. It’s not the thc or act of vaping that’s at fault here. Thc/cbd “oils” are not actually oil, they’re classified as alcohols and are able to be inhaled, otherwise every pothead on earth would be dead.

Welcome to the Kinjaverse. Spew hatred, preach tolerance.

So move to Sweeden. Every problem and issue in your life cannot be blamed on DJT. It’s been years, get the fuck over it. If you don’t like him, go vote and stop being a bitchass sore loser.

The science is ignored by the media and politicians.

How about science? Does that work for you?

Sorry, you are incorrect.