
I'm seeing exactly what Valve is seeing. They don't know her anymore than you or I do. You think I'm harsh? They already saw her resume twice and said the same thing I did... twice. I know this industry, you obviously don't. That's why I "have an idea" of whether or not she deserves a job at Valve. Quit the hero

You're the one trolling if you honestly believe this girl deserves a job at Valve. Take a look at an actual portfolio aimed at the video game industry: [kerbywithane.com] It's mine. And I even know it doesn't stand a chance with Valve yet.

I think it's funny how we're obsessed with getting our browser to use less space, but webpages never take advantage of the space they already have. Granted we're talking about vertical space in this example, but you get my point.

Photography and some sketches don't make up a portfolio in this industry.

Unfortunately, still not cheap enough for me. :( I just want to play OoT though.

Doesn't look like she's an artist or a programmer. Which means... they have no use for her. I'm so tired of people thinking they can get into the industry as "idea men." Everyone has ideas. Yours probably suck anyway.

Two-face girl was great.

Kinda sounds like hulk is getting nerfed :(

Not enjoying the sound design so far :/

What about when the fad fades again?

Possibly. But who said races have to sound stereotypically? Especially in 2500 or whenever ME takes place.

The long blonde is winning?! Come on! The Rihanna -ish one is clearly the best :/

It's unfortunate rowing isn't more popular. Because frankly, it's the only machine worth your time upstairs at the gym...

My mistake. I didn't realize they used the "scan" mocap.

No. A face functions the same for everyone. Capture the data, position the points in 3D proportionally. Copied from another reply:

Yeah, and the development cycle was 7 years... It's come a long way since.

That's exactly the setback with mocap data; it doesn't exaggerate. Why do you think movies like the polar express looked so creepy? When you approach uncanny-valley coupled with strictly realistic movement, the creepiness increases. Because we know the game is fake, subconsciously we need the movements to look a

Hand animation would require more staff, more time..... more money. Mo cap saves time. That's half the reason it was invented. I doubt they're trying to save cash.

Not exactly. The dots get placed proportionally on the cg character. How do you think they used mocap for avatar when the navi were twice as long proportionally as a normal human?

Slim. The reason you noticed that in Crysis is because it was overlooked, not because it couldn't be helped. It could happen using any method.