Because we don't "draw" animation anymore.
Because we don't "draw" animation anymore.
Those suggesting they're not using facial capture due to budgeting... I would disagree. Ultimately it's about pride. Naughty Dog has a fantastic team of animators, and motion capture pisses on all of them. Hand animation always has the potential to rival motion capture. It just takes time and talent (and money). …
Strangely, this game sells me more every time I see some of it.
Mass Effect definitely won't release in 2012 if they're still in early pre-production.
Save me a seat!
I get it. You guys like your coffee black. You only make up a third of the coffee drinkers out there...
I seriously waste too much time on the internet. I cycle through about 5 sites and 2 emails over and over and over. Going insane.
I've pretty much forgotten music games exist.
Man I gotta get out of this country.
I'm assuming you prefer coffee? If sugar and creamer didn't exist, you'd see the appeal of tea.
Sounds right to me!
Yup. I prefer it flat, but if it's coming straight out of a can/bottle it's gotta go in a tall glass with ice.
I actually prefer a little flatness. I can't stand a throat full of bubbles.
I liked Gattaca and Solaris!
I love Daniel Craig. On a separate note, I stopped watching after 30 seconds. I could sense wayyyy too much info being given away.
Faster and more convenient. Not dependent on good weather (assuming you use sunlight for sanitation). Not to mention the clothes come out softer. Also, more germs are killed in a tumble dryer than when line dried.
The smart power strip is a great idea. I've wanted to shut off my power strip many times, but my modem and router prevent me from doing so. With a smart one, I could solve that problem and eliminate the need to physically power it off as well.
I've got two 24's. Anyone doing video editing, 3D graphics, image editing, etc could use the extra space. Besides, when I'm only using my pc for email and browsing, I keep the 2nd monitor off.
How is it that rage looks stylized from far away and then realistic up close?
I'd rather have an app that gave me a new one each day.