
My only gripe was the length. If they shaved 60 seconds off, we wouldn't have had to see the same actors over and over.

Went to the website. Not sure if they expect me to wait trough 10 minutes of load time...

Flying Chocobos? Awwwwww yeahhhh

Mine tear off during workouts all the time.

It looks cool in the trailer, but it's a blatant attempt to make use of 3D... I'll be seeing it in 2D.

Just buy the drug store brand. It works just as well. I tear my hands at least once a week doing crossfit; tape not only helps in healing but can prevent major damage as well.

Kinda sick of these trailers that use a bunch of footage from the previous titles. First batman, now this. Am I missing any other recent ones?

This could conceivably be a reality. After all, Chief did grow a jetpack while he was in cryo, why not a shoulder gun and some blades too?

I've got two of them. So if I'm pressed for space, I'll just put my browser on the far right half. But for normal browsing, I'm maximized on the primary monitor.

I agree with everything except that it's a waste of space. Nothing was in that spot before, and I'm tired of owning a 1920x1080 monitor and only half of it can be used by a typical webpage. Kudos for putting the chat bar in a spot that normally is... actual wasted space.

Lol. No computer, much less xbox, can render avatar graphics. It took literally years worth of render time on an army of computers to render the film.

Money ploys sold with money ploys! Doesn't get better than that.

Yup. Let them boys hang.

Haha. As ridiculous as The Core was... I kinda liked it.

Don't spend money? My wife and I moved into our new home in December. Buying a house is usually the time to tack on even more debt by furnishing your home. Our master bedroom still only has a bed in it... It's driving me crazy not having any furniture, but we're not getting into any more debt. When we're finally

I suppose I drank my hateraid this morning, but I am so tired of this style of imagery.

I could see the appeal, but I think it's a little late. Could have been successful a few years ago. I personally can't get any real work done on anything but a comfy desktop though.

You find a lot better ideas by googling "homemade kettle bells." There's a ton of ones that actually keep the handle design.

Dangit. Totally smashed my dreams :[

This post is just awesome.