
I wanted to comment. Rewrote it like 5 times. But every time I knew I would be accused of trolling. So I decided to ramble instead.

"Amazon Prime costs $80 a year."


That bottom-left area looks awesome.

Say what you want about the guy, I want that thing.

You forgot the age-old depiction of computers on tv and film: Every keystroke or mouse click makes a noise.

Yup. I was in the same boat. 22, never seen it (up until 2 hrs ago.) Watch it on netflix streaming. Definitely worth it.

While you're probably correct, we don't actually know that EVERYONE died. Two people and a dog got away. Maybe two more people and a chopper went after another dog...

I've never seen the first one, so I watched it on netflix before watching this trailer, ha. Looks cool, but I think I'm going to miss the Kurt Russel beard and cowboy hat combo.

John carter looks a little scrawny imo. Maybe marvel's spoiled me.

You had me at Jude Law.

I like it. Very fantasy. (I know nothing about JCoM)

Ehh, maybe. But they dug their own grave. Give us prices like the current ones, and we're going to get spoiled. Combine that with declining service and you've got yourself some angry customers.

Lol. Avengers locker room. I thought the same thing.

They're ok, but a lot of times the selection isn't great. You could rent two movies on itunes or amazon for still less than 8 bucks a month too though.

I'm looking forward to it. It's a Zelda game for Pete's sake! But I'm also already looking forward to where they can take the series on wii U.

When I was using my 360 to play dvds, I had to wash every single disk they sent me. They should probably clean them every so often.

Wowwwwwwww. What a joke. I'm going to have to go with streaming only and use redbox for dvds. Which totally pisses me off because redbox is 10 steps in the wrong direction.

Something I've never quite understood: Does more usage actually cost the internet providers any more money?

I'd rather buy groceries :D