
I'm confused. Are they just releasing 360 games on pc, or will you be able to actually put a 360 disk in your pc? If it's the later, I'm all for it. My pc and xbox were stolen in May. Replaced the pc but not the 360. I've got a box of games that I'd love to be able to play!

House is my hero. If only being that big of a dick could work out.

"When you're in your thirties, there should be something more on your mind, your attention, than video games."

It's called douchebag mirror for a reason, people. Of course it's not the best advise.

I just got my wife and I grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. We have two laptops and a desktop. How would I use that existing plan on my computers at home?

I thought the same thing. I imagine their phones already have that all over them, though.

Iphone 4G huh? Lay off the bud, man.

These guys are hilariously good citizens. Perfect video.

She's served me well since 07. I recommend a missing hubcap to go with it.

I cooked at a local restaurant though high school. I was amazed how well a wrap would hold just by putting the seam on the grill for about 30 seconds.

somebody get this man a jarb

That guy's presentation was on a piece of cardboard. At least pony up for some posterboard.

They built the hammock empire, and then laid down to relax and somebody said, "Needs boobs."

The people making this game live in Montreal. I guess they're bias.

"If you could retain everything you ever learned and never die" That idea really scares me though. It's like transferring all your files to a new computer. You're no longer yourself. You're just some machine that shares the same memories your body once did.

I kinda agree. This trailer looked pretty crappy, but I've seen other gameplay footage that looked pretty good. If only it could look like the pre-rendered trailers :)

I always knew the function, but not the specific mechanics of the diff. Great video.

Yeah I'm pretty amazed windows 7 still skimped on that as well.

I watched a mothman documentary on netflix. It's very intriguing, but the interviewees kept following up their accounts with, "We're simple church-going people; we don't have any reason to make all this up!"