
I'm pumped. Should be a lot of fun.

Yeah, this video isn't helping Rage stand out from the crowd. But I really like what I see anyway. This game looks great and it looks HUGE.

Go for it. Hulu has been going downhill for a while now. Now someone buy netflix....

So glad we added the unlimited data to our plans last week. My wife has already used 300mb in 2 days on her new iPhone. Thanks giz.

I had to find something different to wear at my Crossfit box. I burned holes in the 2nd toes and I kept getting my jump rope stuck in the toes. Went with New balance minimus; they have a sole made by vibram. Same idea, just no toes.

Developed what? There's islands like this all over the place. Being isolated from mainland isn't exactly prime realestate opportunity.

I've always been interested in the story of Mass Effect, but not the gameplay. I found it too boring. So I'm all for it lol.

Was this island really at risk of development? Seems like if he didn't buy the island it would have continued to go unnoticed.

No, it definitely wasn't necessary.

Why not make a transformers movie staring... a transformer? If there was an "action cut" that edited out the humans in all three movies, I'd totally pay up.

You should be able to. I've actually been on my parent's plan up until now. We got my wife a new phone under a new plan and then I called a special Verizon number and got my phone pulled over to our new account. As long as you're not jumping ship, Verizon should play nice.

Ahh gotcha. Makes sense now.

What's the purpose of the cloth sleeve?

Disgusting! My drafts folder is always emptied, and if my inbox has an email in it for more than a few days I start going crazy.

You'll need a data package for each phone. I added it to both my phone and my wife's last week.

Got my wife and I grandfathered in last week. Thanks Giz :)

DS2 broke my heart.


I've eaten lunch at noon and worked out at 5pm and still thrown up on multiple occasions.

Was anyone else horrified by the "Einstein" autobot with the hair? That thing was just plain creepy.