
WTF is the comment section for - so you can suck Nolan’s cock? I said what I felt...

you mean in RL do I have little patience for bloggers with a great sense of self importance but little actually to prove it?


Jones was far more conventional than Ali

I think he’s a lazy fucking writer who believes that unionizing was more important than quality work - I think he rushed this shit out when there’s far better material out there. As usual, he got no quotes from any experts - because someone told him HE’s an expert on boxing - when he’s just a lazy ol’ blogger

I appreciate your nervous laughter - but being wrong is okay...

can you try that in English? or is that too hard?

That’s Foreman not Tyson...

that’s fucking weak - you called this great boxing writing - I clearly refuted it...

Now playing

I think Nolan is wrong here - Ali rested on the ropes, covered up, popping Foreman and covering up again while Foreman punched himself out -

It would be nice if he’d done a bit of heavy lifting - such as:

There’s no way the Republican nominee for President can be considered a disruption...

he’s allowed to wear his fucking hat, no matter what the POC think - this is the republican nominee for president...

in public school, yes, the first amendment still applies.

Deadspin homos love getting dicks and balls into their copy. Is itr because they suck dicks? are dicks? or just love to write like they’re 12...

there are literally hundreds of gun control laws on the books - and certain gun control - like stop and frisk, you were probably against, so either you have no idea what you’re talking about (my bet) or you’re just stupid, is up for grabs, but our gun problems are not because of control - the guy who killed in LA the

This is stupid shit - as well meaning as it’s meant to be - the Olympics have represented countries - these athletes represent themselves...

gawker homos love writing about dicks and balls...

if you can’t breathe while eating pussy you’re doing it wrong...

double stars. Of course pitchers can’t win when hitters don’t hit...