
Well that's fucked up right there.

Really should consider changing the title to “Liberal Arts Majors Are Bullshit”.

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

If you give a shit about keeping religoin out of politics or a woman’s right to choose, then you vote for the Democrat. ANY Republican getting SCOTUS picks isn’t an option. It’s time to grow the fuck up.

You forgot to mention whether this news will impact the Knicks’ decision.

“But whenever I try to get my slider home, people knock it 400 feet away.” - Matt Harvey


I’m no doctor, but I’d advise you not to let yourself get hit in the head on a daily basis the next 15 years. That and lay of the cocaine, HGH, PCP,steroids, and horse tranquilizers.

That’s because too many commenters on here get their only daily gratification by sucking up to the author in hopes of becoming distant friends with them somehow. It’s pathetic.

This is an article about, and a eulogy of, Ali. To avoid the mention of other names is a deliberate choice because it isn’t about other men like Ali, it’s about Ali, period.

As for Mayweather, he had technical perfection but never cared to do anything beyond it. He’s making too much money on the shoulder roll.

Also - the title of the piece really only comes around at the end, tying in to Tyson’s quote which kinda comes out of left field. If the title had been about Ali being the most “savvy”, “unique” or “unconventional” it would make more sense. The piece never really talks of meanness.

In the latter half of his career, Ali was actually criticized for not finishing off overwhelmed opponents. There were complaints that he didn’t finish off Buster Mathis, and Ali said that he wasn’t going to hurt a man for the benefit of the writers, that he had to sleep at night. Same with the second fight against

Kind of a slap in the face to the athletes who earned their countries. Participation trophy culture reaches a new low

Looks like a wiener to me. Fabulous performance, possibly worthy if an Oscar.

Am I drunk or was that not actually a ‘game-winning’ hit? Should it be ‘Matt Albers scored the most improbable game-winning run’? I might be drunk.

Nice job by alum Logan Verrett reminding us of the good ‘ol days when Baylor athletes were only known for being shitty at their sports.

This is just like the time when I broke my hand playing Golden Tee, while drunk at a bar. I eventually recovered physically, but the mental scars remained. Can’t tell you how many times I was asked to play. But I just couldn’t.