
it’s NOT hypocrisy - chickens are bred for slaughter (it may be unfair, but it’s true) - the gorilla is a higher primate - a fucking mammal - not bred for consumption - in fact, it was in the zoo for study and protection...

look away for a second? Please - the kid SAID HE WAS going into the cage - he insisted he was going - shitty ma and her baby daddy, we’re probably yakking on their Obama phone about the welfare dollars they was gonna blow on cheap wine...

why would you compare a chicken domesticated for slaughter and a higher primate - a rare one - being kept in a zoo, presumably for it’s safety?

Snark away cunt - but when we Trump you, you ass will know it’s been Trumped...

Rape Culture = BAD!!!

your delusion was cute until you tried to force everyone else to acknowledge it...

POC can’t be racist...

that’s some good analysis -

that’s because you like touching dicks

Here, you can simulate this for yourself. Pick a thing you normally do very well. Are you normally very good at tying your shoes? Okay. Now leap into the tiger cage at the zoo and fistfight the tigers. Now try to tie your shoes. Not so good at it anymore, are you? Hell no you are not. Because you got your ass kicked.

if anyone knows fake deep it’s this silly cunt - I mean the Jez writer...

even crazier thought - go make your own movie and STFU - the creator of Ghost was thrilled with the choice of Johansson - and just because in your racist mind a white person can’t do the roll of a comic character created by an Asian person (but would scream like a SJW on steroids if a black was denied a role playing

Quick - name a country that doesn’t violate human rights...no google allowed...

Bobby’s a man?

I bet it shut her fucking mouth!

if you want healthy bread eat this:

Jia rest easy - life sucks when you’re a woman - you will always be able to blame your shortcomings on your pussy - because that’s what losers do: they find someone to blame...

that’s not a prank, that’s an assault - similar to replacing eye drops with vinegar

If Deadspin wants a good story about people who leave garbage all over, they should come up to Washington heights and see what Dominicans leave in front of their own homes!

deaspin fag just loves to say Balls