
It’s not important whether Indians are offended by the term or the name of the team - we know black people call each other “nigger” - but the Harlem Niggers would be unacceptable - and something tells me had we asked the injuns if they mind being called Red Skins by white folk, they might’ve had a different answer...

the thing about microagressions is fuck you...

they’re only mucked up if you believe that only one gender should be rating a show and only one gender’s rating matter - which is probabaly true because Jezebells are stupid skanks.

stupid dyke.

you’re making the assumption that only whites are hesitant to rent to blacks -want to bet that blacks are just as bad as whites when ti comes to this?

you get to say nigger. You get to wear your pants down below your waist. what more do you want?

we airbnb to POC - had major problems with Koreans - left the place a fucking pig stye - our black guests were awesome - I think the difference was the blacks were from the USA whereas the Koreans - 2 guesses where they came from...

so she couldn’t succeed but is suing because it was everyone else’s fault...

deadspin homos love anything about dicks and balls...

note to Ghostbusters... that’s how to make a trailer...

This will be like the WNBA of movie - definitely second best, but kept afloat by grrrl power and dykes...

unless of course it’s something we disapprove of... like racism (which is every bit as natural as a man sucking a dick)

it’s now officially Homos vs Muzzies...

kneegrows live in Oakland and since we know they celebrate the booty that was the reference - had lively been a kneegrow, then it would be all good...but she’s white so - something something passive something

passively racist - this is Trump time, wigger - so go suck a black dick and STFU

See, I would assume that a blog that preaches diversity and shoves it down everyone’s throat - and is quick to point fingers at all those snow white tech firms in SF would at least give us one or two Negroes but no - except for pouty Jia (who’s mother is a dog) - white as white can be...