Why couldn’t she have lept for realizes onto a hole dug into a concrete platform which would then be covered up by concrete and a concrete, Chernobyl-style containment dome, made out of concrete?
Why couldn’t she have lept for realizes onto a hole dug into a concrete platform which would then be covered up by concrete and a concrete, Chernobyl-style containment dome, made out of concrete?
Except well made shoes aren’t uncomfortable at all. What is needed is a ZERO DROP dress shoe. I transitioned to zero drop 4mm to no padding at all now I can’t wear anything with a heal...at all.
Except well made shoes aren’t uncomfortable at all. What is needed is a ZERO DROP dress shoe. I transitioned to zero…
Organized crime? Was he an NFL owner?
I was going to respond to your earlier comment, but then I read this one so go fuck yourself...productively!
Withhold the Pistachios. That will get their attention. http://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-calcook-california-its-whats-for-dinner-20140312-story.html
I see it as Washington, Oregon and California as the hang-lo. Idaho ll more like saggy old man balls, but where is the taint? I think we all know...
I’m already steeling myself against strokes, dementias (various), ass cancer, prostate cancer and now you add ‘old man dick surgery’? Along with recent political developments, I’m depressed now.
I think social media has greased the skids a little before this ass-hat, don’t you?
I’d like to officially revive all-t00-short lived phrase, “Rap it Up!” Roll of the eyes and hand on hip optional.
But how to process woman run over by fire truck at SFO? http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/15/us/asiana-crash-new-video/index.html
Wait, does that mean the assholes they make the rest of us parade by are more likely to die in a survivable crash? Is there a God after all?
Throw in an anal bleaching and it’s a deal!
I heard Romney is looking for work...
“I’ll see you later, Big Daddy...” Could go either way.
Most men don’t know their ass(holes) from a hole in the ground...
I think you mean, “whiff”.