
Hi! I’m HiTechTLS’s girlfriend who merely contributed the wonderful desk. I purchased it 8-9 years ago in Colorado at American Furniture Warehouse. It lived quite a life of travel before HiTechTLS gave life to it’s back leg and paint job. It now has home in our corner for all of those amazing monitors!!

Now playing

found this video after asking the question

I wouldn’t say it looks like he went to craigslist. I am guessing a hockey arena at Iowa State every Wednesday. All that technology and still using that ancient Harmon Kardon...

ah. Yeah I literally am building a new PC now (parts are still in the box) and the one thing I didn’t buy/upgrade was my video card, been trying to figure out which way I’m going to go, I don’t game, but plan on getting at least three 34" screens which I figure would be still be taxing, but unsure if I might go beyond

It’s beautiful. I thought I was doing good with my 2 screens...

Ah HAH! Absolutely beautiful. :) Thank you, and well done on your workspace, I really love it (and I’m moving to a small space soon, so I’m planning to take some tips from your setup!)

Don’t be embarrassed by it one bit. I didn’t even notice it myself until someone said something about it, and now that I am looking, it looks GREAT. :)

Gotcha. Hey if it works for you, who am I to criticize? :)

This isn’t about horsepower, it’s about multi-monitor support. :) We mentioned above he’s probably not doing 3D gaming here, and the Quadro series of cards are well-known for their multi-display capabilities - you can connect three, sometimes four or six to the same card with minimal power consumption.

I immediately went to Hugh Jackman in Swordfish over Neo. Now we just need a topless Halle Berry somewhere in the pics.

Could be weed! I joke I can see the cigars in the top photo.

The heck with all those monitors. I want to know what’s in the humidor! Dan, what kind of cigars do you like?

Does anyone probably require six monitors, no. Would any tech geek probably want six monitors, yes!

And in his off time, he can help find NEO in the Matrix...

Where does one acquire this corner desk?

What do you think is more likely of the following scenarios?

I wouldn’t knock it. My setup at work is at 5 right now. Sometimes what you are after is more pixels for more windows. It looks kinda janky but gets the job done.

With his monitors at different heights and sizes, spanning an image will look a lot more weird than duplicating the desktop.

I’m more curious as to what he does for a living or what’s his hobby that requires six monitors. I mean I’m guessing he’s a musician with the sax next to the projector and the mixing table next to the couch.