Hitchcock Brunette

Absolutely! The pace would have been nicer, with less time jumps and maybe more Jodie… Still a great miniseries, I'm glad it got made!

A sad life indeed…

Ordered The Stand, arrived today!!! It is massive!!!!!

Absolutely!!! Carpenter missed the boat on that one BIG TIME!!!

What would you have taken out? They've already trimmed down the book a great deal…

Thank you Bartonnen!!!

Thanks a lot!!! Adding it to the top of my list based on your recommendation!

Thanks so much for the recommendation! Will definitely check it up!!!

I know he tried something different with 11/22/63, but could anyone recommend other Stephen King books similar in plot and tone? Maybe something supernatural with a good ol' fashion romance? Perhaps books from other writers? Thanks in advance!!!

Give it a try!! It's beautifully told and a total page-turner!!! One of my favourite books ever.

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!!

Same here!!! That ending left me a mess for days…

Hilarious video! Thanks for the link!!

I've been consistently getting 'Hitchcock blonde' vibes from her from the very beginning, when he meets Jake in Dallas for the first time. The grey suit and the way her hair was done reminded me so much of Kim Novak in 'Vertigo'…

Jake had houses both in Jodie and Forth Worth. The recording equipment was in the latter, but somehow (call it the Yellow Card Man, the Past pushing back, whatever) it was placed in the basement of Jake's house in Jodie so Sadie could hear the recordings and freak out. If you watch closely and pay attention to that

Go rewatch episode 4…

The house with the enchiladas was in Jodie, not the one on this episode, which was in Forth Worth, where he lived with Bill below the Oswalds.

Am I the only one who felt sorry for Bill? I get that he had become a burden to Jake and his presence was completely unnecessary at this point, but the sadness in his eyes and the way they had turned him into a mess was so hard to watch…

Thanks!!!! [Claps enthusiastically]

Wow, somebody woke up on the wrong foot today! Take it easy, is just a TV show, no need to put down someone else's work! As far as I'm concerned, Ms. Shoemaker is doing an excellent job with her reviews. And this is not a "shitty" show by any stretch of the imagination.