Hitchcock Brunette

Thank you! Couldn't have said it better myself! There are some dumb people on this thread…

That totally makes sense…

I don't think he did.

Haters gonna hate…


That was perfect.

Good point!

The whole 'second shooter' revelation was pure genius! That alone made Bill's character worth his onscreen time!

You clearly don't get that Sadie is the game changer here, once he falls in love with her, the mission becomes about much more than simply saving JFK and fulfilling Al's wishes. Now it's truly personal for him!!


This will definitely be the role that puts her on the map. I wasn't totally convinced about her at the beginning (not because of her acting chops, but because I had already imagined my own 'Sadie' after having read the book), and now I have to admit she has managed to create a beautiful, rich, nuanced character that

I don't get all the criticism about how the show's devoting too much time to Jake and Sadie's relationship. As the rewiever says, that's exactly what happens in real life (I'm not even getting into the whole 'it was on the book' thing). You meet someone, you fall in love and everything else becomes a blur, even if you

The sex scene between Jack and Sadie was SOOOO much better on the book!!!!
It packed an emotional punch (due to Sadie's circunstances) that's totally missing here. Sarah Gadon does an excellent job, but I found her sexual confidence illogical. Stephen King's Sadie was awkard and insecure, but also lovable and

Was this a punishment that ended up being his only way to get sexually aroused?

That guy was getting on my nerves!!!! Poor Jake was about to burst into tears…
P.S. James Franco cries SOO beautifully!