History's Greatest Monster

Yes, but it's all OLD and rather dirty & rundown. Mid-World is basically a parallel world to ours, but maybe several hundred years into the future. All the advanced tech exists, but it's now all dirty and abandoned. I always had the impression that Roland's world & lore followed many, many, MANY years after

Logan's far-off Wolverine berserker roar in the forest and Laura just watching wide-eyed gave goosebumps to my goosebumps.

Likewise, and when you throw into the mix the fact that I'm a Dad with daughters around the same age…

I was in full-on "dude, get a hold of yourself NOW" mode by the final frame.

Did any other grown man cry like a baby during this movie?

The people at home thank you.

Just as an aside, I happen to find Ms. Kirkman to be sexy as hell. OK, continue…

Kubrick's version of THE SHINING is about how past traumas (even something as profound as genocide) only retain their power through us by our memories. Kubrick uses the far-out quantum physics theory that all events are actually happening simultaneously and "time" is merely how we perceive those events and is

Not a story.
It's acceptable coming from him because he can say these things without sounding like a crabby twat (Noel Gallagher, I'm looking in your direction). Even the headline quote was taken out of context and followed up with a self-deprecating comment.
One of the reasons I love Keith Richards (other than his

Since we're talking popular songs in trailers, I'd like to place a moratorium on "Bad to the Bone" and currently "Uptown Funk".

Yeah…I had a glass of scotch before watching it and I cried like a baby.

I always got an unsettling Greg Stillson vibe from Howard Dean.

Didn't they do an episode that was a send-up of THE MIST too, with P & F trapped in a convenience store with tentacled monsters lurking outside? Or did I dream that?

My point is…it's not like a blatantly ripped off plot or IP here. He takes ideas and speeches and works it into his own narrative. Much like a hip-hop song with a few samples. In PULP FICTION, Butch's whole exchange with Zed ("You want that gun don't you. I want you to reach for it) was lifted right out of RIO

Did Pizzolatto do anything (re: homage vs. ripping off) that Tarantino hasn't been doing for almost 20 years?

I like the cut of your jib, sai.


Very lovely with the perfect amount of curves. Unfortunately, in interviews she sounds like someone Brian Griffin would date.

Guy Pierce, Elizabeth Banks, Justin Timberlake, Michael Rooker

Hire him to punch up the script for The Stand that Paul Greengrass might do or just let him make The Long Walk like he's been talking about for years now.