History's Greatest Monster

Good. Now maybe Darabont can get back to doing what he does best: being one of the only filmmakers who is able to successfully adapt Stephen King.

I too am oddly attracted to Carrie Brownstein.

That's a lotta puddin', Barry.

On the DVD commentary, PTA tells the story about how one of the first test screenings was for a mostly college male crowd. When Bill got the gun to kill his wife the crowd cheered and PTA thought "oh shit, they're completely missing the point of this and I totally fucked up". But when Bill killed himself, "they all

During the 80s coke-fueled downward spiral montages, I love how Hoffman basically played Scotty like an abused spouse. He's always performing some domestic chore in the background.

I LOVE that moment. Wahlberg perfectly conveys that this is the first time Dirk has ever really become self-aware and realizes the whole cosmic absurdity of his life before realizing that if he doesn't get out of there RIGHT NOW, he's probably a dead man.

Yeah, good call. Judging by the "coming-up" preview, some kind of shit hits the fan relating to her (looked like Hart beating up another gentleman suitor), so maybe she just goes away too. A prevailing theme of the episode was Hart's misogyny and what he thinks a woman's proper place is, so this would make sense.

But she's so courageous and real! *eyeroll*

I agree (not that I'm really complaining). I keep trying to find the REASON behind the (rather amazing) nudity in this episode, because this doesn't seem like the kind of show that would include it just for gratuitous purposes. Daddario is so stunning that maybe its there to get us to identify with Hart a bit more;

With the one-two punch of DALLAS BUYERS CLUB and this, he's like Michael Jordan in the '90s or Tiger Woods of the '00s; he's just embarrassing his peers right now. This is late-70s DeNiro stuff we're witnessing here folks.

Is there any chance that "Alexandra Daddario" WONT be the #1 search term on Google Images today?

With the raided camp, I'm still wondering if there's a 3rd group out there we haven't seen yet. We still have yet to be shown any clues re: who was feeding the plague rats to the walkers outside the prison.