
The amount of searching that you’re able to do will definitely depend on what kind of subscription your spouse’s program has. For instance (most) law schools offer very comprehensive databases where my master’s program just had like periodicals and law journals.

It’s a great database, but it is a force unto itself. They do offer some official tutorials:

This is SUCH a dorky suggestion but I would try and find your nearest college library (your spouse’s, perhaps?) and get help from a librarian. It’s what they’re there for, and they don’t have as much to do these days. If there is a law or polisci library, even better. Good luck from a politically obsessed history BA!

Learn Terms and Connectors searches. I’m sure you can Google it and find a guide. It will make life easier. It’s been a few years since I used Lexis, but natural language (i.e., Google-like) searches were not all that good.

My former principal nominated me to serve on a state council for special education. She thinks I would be a good candidate and I would bring a different perspective working with American Indian and at risk children. I'm honored.

As someone who’s married to a meteorologist, your last sentence made both of us spit out drinks. Thank you.

Yeah, Ali could have enlisted and done a bunch of camp tours and appearances or he could pay the considerable price for listening to his conscious. It’s obvious that he took the coward’s way out. /s

I don’t know about freelance writers, but I might suggest, if there is a local college or university, inquiring after the ethnography department. One of my favorite professors in undergrad was an ethnographer who did just amazing work on trial lawyers. Someone with that kind of background may be able to guide you in

With a nice, professional letter of resignation. You’d need to write one for your file anyway; might as well do the whole thing that way.

I’m an anthropology grad student and I would recommend reaching out to a nearby university and see if any professors know students doing that topic of study. He could make an excellent resource or subject for a masters thesis.

Um. If your matzoh has flavor, you’re making it wrong. :-)

Wholesome Christian woman corrupted by filthy Jew. Possibly manipulated by the brainwashing waves emitted from Tefillin.

Anna. It’s okay. Next time I go to the monthly meeting of the Elders, I’ll be sure to ask for some of our brethren and sistren in the banking sector to give you some of our secret money that we steal every month from the Christians in America. That should help.

This is one of the reasons I’ve always hated the cultural illiteracy of people who poo-poo sampling as “copying”

It is. One of the first songs I heard by Tricky was actually Overcome (which is nothing but Karmacoma by Massive Attack with a better beat). It prompted me to check out the whole album. I dig it.

I didn’t know about that. In fact, I know very little about the personalities behind the whole trip hop scene maybe because it was the pre-blogosphere age. However, I’m huge fan of Maxinquaye. If it’s not already in your rotation, check it out. It was a formative album for me.

at the bottom of his backpack police recovered a gram and a half of marijuana. The police seized almost $1,000 from the young man, who was planning to use the money to purchase a lawnmower to start a business.

I’m a dude, and this shit made me tear up.

I have the grave suspicion that the percentage is about the same for pro sports, music, finance, insurance, academic research...

The “almost were” types can be the actual worst because they are in that taste of glory, Machiavellian stage of avaricious yet “artistic” climbing. Asshats bedazzled by their own heady dreams of stardom, willing to do anything to make it the big time. Blergh.