
The last time I saw so much celebration over so unimpressive a feat, Iceland beat England.

And somewhere, Luis Zendejas breathes a deep sigh of relief.

From one politically obsessed history BA to another, thanks! When my high school replaced their library with a “media lounge,” I stopped donating. Those dollars are now funneled to my college’s library and special collections.

Negative. I’m hoping to horn in on my spouse’s access via her master’s program.

I have a brag I feel funny about.

Anyone here have any experience/advice using Lexis Nexis databases? I’ve used a lot of research databases, but never theirs. I’m hoping to get some insight into the lawsuits, business dealings, and related tidbits related to a local Congressional candidate I oppose. Any advice on how to proceed would be most

I got shouted down by a pro-lifer while holding down a local Democratic Party booth at a church festival today. The gentleman was not interested in discussion, alas, just raising his voice every time I tried gamely to interject something reasonable. So it goes.

Here’s what I can tell you about uberwealthy people, after having worked pretty closely with disgustingly rich people for 15ish years:

Another perspective: I’m a free lance writer and I occasionally do lump sum jobs. I write a magazine column that’s a fixed price per entry, and larger jobs are often lump sum too (usually for projects I’m psyched to do and don’t care how much time I end up pouring into them).

The bro[ther]s of SAE at UVa in the 1990s were known for hurling anti-semitic slurs at the nationally Jewish fraternity across the street.

I got to hang out with Tricky a bit during the Pre-Millennium Tension tour. I was expecting him to be gruff and aloof, but he turned out to be a thoughtful if quiet gentleman, sort of your typical artsy sweet stoner. He claimed at the time that the feuds the press were always talking about (Goldie was the big one at

How short-sighted of her. She just missed her only chance to be remembered more than 5 years from now.