It’s safe to assume that if the science was real and accurate, it would have been peer reviewed and somebody would have VC funding to open a park already.
It’s safe to assume that if the science was real and accurate, it would have been peer reviewed and somebody would have VC funding to open a park already.
Yeah, I know it doesn’t look right.
I DEMAND a movie about Richard Attenborough checking the DNA in a mosquito and just saying: “Damn, this won’t work, will it.”
We realized we cannot rename people’s profiles so, unfortunately no. We’ll just assume every losing team is named NicklebackCreed69. I’m sorry, Ota, you making Keyboard Geniuses with that monicker is one of my favorite things to happen on Gameological.
Because I was the bots ALL ALONG!
You would think Smilner at least would know better after I ran up his bid on Aaron Rodgers in the first year, but booze is a cruel mistress
On Sunday, the Gameological Fantasy Football League Draft was conducted to the enjoyment of all. We promised ourselves at draft time that we wouldn’t repeat last year’s debacle and draft people for insane prices, but we were fooling ourselves. In fact, it was much, much worse.
I am the King of the Peppercorn! Any motherfucker wants some Peppercorn, they come to me!
I yell at football refs through the tv, but the difference is they can hear me.
Thanks! That sounds like an advanced skill for my character, but would probably be a pretty good way to grind out some XP once I’m totally weaned off the tutorial walking boot. My quest-givers keep coming up with new and interesting ways to make me use all the various muscles and tendons that have been resting for…
Enkidu kills Achilles with Excalibur!
One of the defining conflicts of the ancient world was #teamodysseus and #teamgilgamesh.
Hey folks. This past week has been mostly Overwatch, with a touch of Tacoma on the side. I ran through all ten placement matches last night for Season 6 of Competitive Overwatch, and found myself only 100 points lower than my ending rating from Season 5. I had heard that they were removing the rollback mechanism that…
One thing the HP fandom didn’t change, as this comment thread can attest, is that fandoms will never quit immediately engaging in pissing contests about whose is better or did it first or is more special.
You got one as well this week? Fantastic! John sent me two pins - one for me, and one to give to a nearby Gameologician, Snazzlenuts. I didn’t tell Snazzlenuts about it until we met for sushi one night; it was so cool to see the change in his expression from when he gazed at mine forlornly to the astonishment and joy…
YES! WINDJAMMERS! That is what I already played online this week with a friend, and what I will be playing this weekend. It is simple yet varied, and a damned blast. It’s the addictive pick-up-and-play multiplayer game du jour! Although instead of the trailer above, you need to instead check out the TOTALLY…
Here we are again folks. This week I finished off my Uncharted no aim blindfire-only odyssey, Untargeted, and let’s see if I can put in a link to it instead of embedding an obtrusive video: HERE
Morning all,