
It's a shame, but somehow I think that window was down all the way because the window got in the way of "the shot."

Does anyone really expect him to come out and say, "Yus, I did diddle mah puddin' pop in their jello molds after spikin' them somethin' awful!"?

And an angel got his wings.

There's nothing harmless or fun about Grey's Anatomy or terrible, worthless action movies.

Any Hunger Games movie (and I like Jennifer Lawrence), any sit-com (including The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men), Mad Men, The Simpsons, Family Guy (or anything TV by Seth MacFarlane), and the latter Hobbit movies.

Looks like whatever Comedy Central did not pay Jon Stewart to stay is really biting them now. The golden goose is dead.

Sousa's a double agent. He's probably working for the most insidious of all the nation states of the time…

I thought this one was going to be:

It happened. South Park.

The biggest thing I got from this article is…

Of course they're aware they're reusing the same material. They actually ran into Seth when they were fighting over the last set of Manatee balls…

Odd that you think the show was so focused on Asami because of an end because I started wondering when they were going to have Asami actually have real dialogue again. How many episodes did her character go as background in favor of Varric talking instead?

No one blames them for not releasing in theaters that won't accept the release. That's on the theaters. The problem is when they said, "No On-Demand, no DVD, no blu-ray, too." That's when people scratch their heads and wonder how threats to theaters suddenly extended to Video on Demand.

If you are experiencing a hot, burning sensation, think you are hearing the sorrowful wailing of your neighbors and think you may be smelling sulfur on more than one occasion within a single day, you may be in Hell.

I think Cosby's lawyer is actually TRYING to get the word out to people without saying it directly. He seems to be just making it worse. His "logic" is anything but and it makes me think he's either the only lawyer that Cosby could find who would defend him OR he's trying to point out the obvious by "subtly" drawing

So it's Homeland Lite.

Funny, that's the impression I got from watching The Blacklist as well. It was like a preview of Ultron.

There were worse movies made and this was definitely the best Dredd movie ever made.

They must have JUST realized this is the guy who made the Terminator TV show. That's when they were screaming at their assistants, "GET ME SOMEBODY NOW! WE GOTTA ABORT! ABORT!"

Have no fear. If he dies before the books are done, someone else will show up to kill everyone you love in horrible and often ignoble ways. They'll finish the series up, though perhaps they'll have a bit less sausage on their pizza.