
The whole episode seemed intent on basically flashing out the entire Dark Side storyline before it got too far along. Hecate dies from acting not like a Nightsister, but a damn fool. If you can go invisible, you go invisible. If you can throw people around, you throw them into one another. Instead, she jumped on

It had been shown earlier that Malcolm saw himself in Ethan's father. He saw the old version of himself that had driven his children until they died. Given the spectres he saw at the end of Season 2, he was NOT going to let what he'd done happen to someone he cared about.

The most powerful fiction uses precise control of a narrative to lure someone into believing a perspective that they might not necessarily have believed had they known everything about everything at the beginning.

Just imagine if every woman's and men's bathroom was combined into a unisex bathroom. HOW BIG THEY WOULD BE!

The reason people are responding to Deadpool is because Deadpool is the best character Marvel has, bar none. The fact that his only movie was as a name-drop only in a subpar Wolverine movie shat out by Fox was a travesty that humanity itself could not culturally endure for long before imploding.

Shows are not cancelled anymore. They're just forgotten.

CBS is the network for those that don't use the internet.

Isn't it about time that someone with the Buffy license sold the entire Buffy franchise for $1 back to Joss? The world would praise you as a saint if you did this.

The problem I always had with Circuit City was the fact that the employees swarmed on top of you trying to make a sale almost as soon as they sensed your presence. They didn't necessarily see you. It was like they could sense you from afar and lie in wait, preparing themselves to demand you buy a product protection

Carter needs to learn the inherent value of showing rather than telling. This episode had so much exposition and it was so poorly written…

If this movie doesn't have Christian Bale barking orders like he's constipated, then it's just a big no-go for me.

Bill Cosby.

The only way Jim Gordon's moral dilemma could have changed in this episode as opposed to others is if he told Penguin to stop, grabbed his bat, and yelled, "PENGUIN! HERE'S HOW YOU DO IT!"

"John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, James Gilmore, and Lindsey Graham"

Well, at least he's matter-of-fact about his shit. He's not trying to dress it up as the Queen, conceal its stank with roses, or blame the neighbors for shitting.

Can't wait for the Steelcase 3D/Digital/Blu-ray/DVD/VHS/8-track Soundtrack/vinyl soundtrack Collector's Edition.

I think Dateline should have a full episode on the Tragedy That Is Ben Carson.

The biggest joke about the whole thing with cops is that they repeatedly make themselves look bad. They despise being monitored even though they consistently desire increased monitoring of everyone else. They scream about people saying things about them but often like to say things about others.


I don't think Bush or Cheney would have the mental fortitude to say, "Let 3k people die."