Your mirrors aren't tilted outward enough. If you can see a car in both your rear and side view mirrors then there's redundancy/overlap and you can probably afford to push your sides out further.
nah, you're the stigs german cousin, we all know you want nein.
Sup dawg. I heard you like drifting, so we put your car on a boat so you can drift while you drift.
That glorious non-rhotic accent "Dey definitely hurt deyselves, man!" is from Newfoundland, likely southern short. If I ever go ass-backwards down a flight of stairs I'd like it to be narrated by a Newf.
Murano convertible, we all make mistakes.
In Chicago you can almost get arrested for putting ketchup on a hot dog. By the way, what's up the the funny spelling of "catsup"?
I used to think the Tesla Model S was just a car for the smug Captain Planet vegan organic save the world Teavanah wannabes. I was so ignorant. I've really come around to having a great deal of respect and fondness for the Model S. Part of that had to come with seeing them in person and oogling over their truly…
I think this gif kind of mischaracterizes what happened. There's fighting in hockey, like it or don't, but there is. I'm going to take a wild flyer here and say the NHL has figured that no matter what people say here or elsewhere, their product sells better with fighting in it than without it so it exists.
When I tell them I work for a website called Deadspin, they assume that Deadspin is a table tennis publication that they have never heard of.
I know something it can't beat.
The part that really turned my stomach is how he acted AFTER she hit the floor. He didn't rush down to help her or see if she was ok. My fiance and I sometimes act like 8 year-olds and wrastle. One time he hit me in the face on accident and he acted as if he just killed my puppy. He felt guilty for hours and it didn't…
Right after this Joe Carter showed up and took him yard
Should've picked a better horcrux than the Undertaker's streak.
Considering that being both a reddit user and a fan of Lord of The Rings are two strikes against him, it looks like this kid is working with a full count.
This is a contradiction. If you use Pam spray, you are already dead.