
old interior

I’m Lewis Boadle, Art Director at Fallen Tree Games. Thank you for taking a look at our game, Zack!

A performance patch went live on Switch today, as well as one on PS4 last Friday. We’re working on bug fixes and reading as much feedback as possible, so we as a team can decide which areas to focus on in future updates.


Come on, acknowledge...

Both of you know I can’t read a word. 

I smell burnt toast. 

The content of a blog comment is secondary. The medium IS the message.

Just to be clear the nickname for Team Canada’s national team isn’t Maple Boys but rather “Heritage Moments”.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

This is so much more disturbing than the time they did this in Requiem For A Dream.

I’ll raise you a Coffee Crisp.

“If it seems like I am picking and choosing the parts I like from this book here, it’s because I very much am.”

These embedded Twitter thingies often seem to embed... pooorly. See screenshot.

Chef: MY MOM

Not true. He makes Pierre so, so much worse.


I think it’s because people see a price tag of ~$35k, then see the interior out of a junky 2005 Cavalier.

Now playing

Also highly recommend watching Don Cherry’s invisible piano desk.