
My fiance has had issues with orgasming with me during sex. At the start of our relationship she was able to orgasm during sex pretty regularly, but now it never happens. Like, in the last year she's had an orgasm during (any kind of) sex exactly once. And that one time took a lot of work and effort and time and only

If we're at the point where South Park can influence a Presidential election, the country is already ruined.

I have a tendency to get really close to the ending of shows and then stop. I never watched the last three episodes of True Blood or the last six episodes of Boardwalk Empire. Or the last 59 episodes of Breaking Bad.

I mean, as a lifelong New Yorker, I'm quite familiar with crazy people who randomly scream things. Just normally not at famous musicians about throwaway lines from songs they'd written decades before.

Good point.

Are comic books cool now? I'm honestly not clear on that. I know comic book movies are very popular, but, like, is your average 13-year-old-boy who's obsessed with comic books still in danger of swirlies and being made fun of until they become a school shooter?

Need more pubic hair.

Ugh, comic books.

Secondhand story, but: a friend of mine worked for a while at an upscale deli out in East Hampton, and Billy Joel was something of a regular there. Evidently, some unhinged local walked up to him one day and said "Hey Bill, is Davy still in the Navy?" I guess Billy Joel chuckled and turned away or whatever, but then

I use "there but for the Grace of God Go I" even though I'm an atheist… I kind of see it more as a general aphorism rather than an actual religious statement.

I've never heard that one before, although, granted, it's been probably twenty years since I've run into anybody who seriously considers "God" to be a part of their lives in any meaningful fashion. Other than my grandmother, who's still Catholic most out of inertia.

I actually use that phrase a lot. That reason being "the boundary conditions of the universe and increasing entropy over time."

I will admit to using "I'm sorry if I offended you." I'll defend myself by saying that my usual mode of speech and manner of talking can be really offensive, but I am legitimately sorry if I offended somebody, because that isn't my intent. It's just the way I converse. Somebody who slips baby rape jokes into casual

I've never seen a gun fired. I'm pretty sure it's a thing that happens with some regularity.

They might not need to, but they want to.

God I used to masturbate to Tina Yothers so much when I was like 12.

Waste of time.

I believe you're forgetting Puffy's awesome backing vocals on Suicidal Thoughts.

Clams. White Castle serves clams. When they're in season, at least.

And I bet you didn't even know that you can get clams at White Castle: