
The thing about Furries is that you never know who they actually are, since they're always covered up under those costumes and they're always silenced by those ball gags.

I cannot imagine a person not liking Michel Gondry's music videos. They're all fucking amazing.

I'm a big cocktail person. Love cocktails. Love talking about cocktails. Thing is, I don't see a "Sponsored Content" label anywhere on this page, and that… makes me curious.

Pretty fucking presumptuous to think they'll get one season.

That film was fucking atrocious. I saw it in theatres and it was so terrible that I cringe whenever I drive through the part of town that the theatre I went to is in.

I saw Prophets of Rage at Barclay's Center a couple of weeks ago and they were AWESOME.

God I found that movie so fucking tedious.

I masturbate to the Russian Roulette scenes.

That's not actually true. I enjoy Defending Your Life, Adaptation, and of course The Deer Hunter. But Streep has a long track record of appearing in movies that are just not in any way fun to watch.

Nothing involving Meryl Streep has ever been good.

They cut out the sex scene, which really was unforgivable in my view and ruined the whole series.

This, actually, happened to me last night.

Having watched the movie, the ending is really bizarre and, while expected, very abrupt. I disagree that the "monster=depression" metaphor was all that obvious. I watched the movie and didn't pick up on that until reading this review.

I used to have a "crying during sex" kink. Then it actually happened, a girl started crying while I was having sex with her (she was thinking about how her husband had left her and wasn't coming back and how I was the first guy she'd fucked on the bed they used to share), and it was the absolute worst feeling and I

My gut reaction to this is to say "we need more porn with the participants explaining how they got to be where they are in life and crying because they're so depressed at being forced into fucking a stranger on camera to pay for meth," but having actually seen such porn, I can tell you that it's not actually arousing,

Prefacing this by saying that this is going to sound like an MRA-ish rant at the start, but I promise you it is not. Please keep reading.

Have to disagree with that. Most people see female teachers as nurturing figures molding children into productive adults, while people see all male teachers as potential pedophiles.

Me too… me too.

How in the world have I never seen this before?