When Ramsay said something like “Their army is gone” and he felt safe in the castle, I said to myself “But they have Wun Wun”. The two heroes of the season, Hodor keeping a door closed and Wun Wun opening one.
When Ramsay said something like “Their army is gone” and he felt safe in the castle, I said to myself “But they have Wun Wun”. The two heroes of the season, Hodor keeping a door closed and Wun Wun opening one.
The scene where Jon was suffocating was just excellent television. I had trouble breathing during it.
Dear Marvel: Worried about the Chinese market? Cast Asian as Dr. Strange and Asian as Ancient One. Rake in billions from Chinese market and members of American market who just wanna see a good movie.
If you want to admit that you didn’t read the article, now would be a great time
The article only addresses the rumor in one paragraph. The rest of the article is about the actual casting and problems the movies and TV shows have. Problems like Doctor Strange whitewashing the Ancient One and Daredevil having literally a ton of Asian Ninja stereotypes.
Did you know that every time you use the phrase “social justice warrior” an angel flies down from heaven to take a giant invisible shit on your face? Then you’re walking around with your head and face and shoulders dripping with the stuff, and no one can quite see it or smell it but they know there’s something wrong…
Are you being disingenuous on purpose? In no way does the article spend a couple thousand words on it, “it” being what you highlighted. The article does explore the actual problems with the existing Marvel properties that are officially confirmed.
The Ancient One is yet another stereotype of Asian, albeit a less overly negative one—that of the wizened, Yoda-like mentor whose sole purpose is to teach a white person his or her strange ways so they can accomplish their goals. It often goes hand-in-hand with the white savior archetype.
Oddly, the only live-action Marvel property which isn’t constantly falling prey to these problems is Agents of SHIELD
Look, they’re trying not to spoil the big Sex and the City crossover that they’ve been building up to all season.
I wouldn’t say it’s poor writing just because a bunch of crackpot theories got a lot of attention. I kinda hate this whole cycle now where instead of just seeing how mysteries unfold in the following week, everyone has to come up with the most batshit theory and then people are disappointed when the writers do what…
Me: Damn babe, the Waif is like the damn T-2000!
It could just as easily have been Zem Deadfoxscarf, though.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
All congressman were present for the vote except newly elected Pete Carroll, who decided to pass.
So... JK Simmons is Maestro... ok then.
The olive oil budget alone...
He’s obviously going to show that Affleck punk how really open a can of whup ass. And guess what!?! His mom’s name is Martha too!