Bearded Hipster Bear

How many films are there where the disabled person decides to live? How many films address the context (political, social, economic) of why someone might choose to die? Context matters here.

White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.

I don’t think it will hurt. Cavill is too good at creating ill-will for himself all on his own.

That’s one hell of a resting Murderverse face...

A notice from the self appointed commentariat commissar.

Almost looks like there’s some Venom and Spawn elements thrown in there.

And at least in my opinion, the show hasn’t suffered at all due to it.

Shireen was definitely great. Think of her entire life. She was basically kept a prisoner locked in a tower by her parents her whole life. Yet she saw joy and happiness. She took the time to befriend Davos, give his life meaning... Take the time when he rotted in a prison to teach him to read and about the world....

You could see Davos’s admiration for her, and I’m sure he was thinking of his princess.

It was also super-sized.

My dad owned an Ali-themed corner bar in Louisville KY in the early 90's. Ali would come in periodically before the illness set in. I, as a youngin, played foosball in the game room every night. One night, around 1992, Ali came in and challenged me to a best of 5. He beat me in 4 and said “Son, you got some nuts going

I grew up in Jeffersonville, IN, right across the river from Louisville, KY. My dad got to see the champ a few times, but what always stood out to him was the gold medal incident. Like much of Ali’s life, the story is disputed, but fuck it, I want to believe it was true.

How many have happened in the United States where Marvel is located and has been located?

At this point, and having been reading comics and, well, stuff, for over 30 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you have to kill a character purely to create drama, you suck at writing. This is especially true of the kill the gf/wife/daughter trope—which instantly marks you as mostly talentless to me—but

This is really powerful, Evan. I always love reading your thoughts, because for the most part it seems like comics are written by people who look like me, for people who look like me, about people who look like me. It’s easy to forget that killing the black guy to raise the stakes is more than just a tired trope.


Hey, then they can continue their collection of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World actors.