Bearded Hipster Bear

It’s exciting, but...

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They should’ve just stuck with Woodkid, IMO.

Also good: Sebastian Stan sitting there in silence slowly nodding, contemplating either the vagaries of life, what fresh hell he finds himself in attempting to talk about a movie he can’t really talk about for the next two years, or whether or not he left the kettle on.

Oh, I had no problem with him. He was very good.


WB execs: “Batman’s usually the solution to all of our problems. Is there a way we can have Batman make these movies for us?”

Two female led movies over a period of couple of decades maybe? Don’t strain yourself Marvel.


Even if the Ms. Marvel show tanked, it would earn the company a ton of good will, which it could then spend on casting more white men.

Golly. A professional actress made a choice about what she’d rather be doing and did the thing she’d rather be doing? Nope, women still can’t make decisions without being criticized endlessly for them.

The “fake nerd” bullshit again? Here’s a handy way to discern whether you’re a “true” geek: Do you like a thing beloved by nerds & geeks? Congrats, you’re in.

not really. I think his storyline ultimately wins over the disappointment of not being like his comics version.

I’d say this is broad enough that it’s a bit like asking when the sci-fi/fantasy genre will end. If the space program didn’t kill speculative fiction about space, I doubt there’s any future tech that will make the genre obsolete, and I think our fascination with superhuman heroes will stick around. Just not sure what

And, let’s not forget what else happened this episode.

Davos: “Jon... By the gods, Jon, you—you’re back... The Red Woman.. she... it worked! BY THE GODS, JON!”

Jon Snow is supposed to be dead, but he can’t even do that right. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

I think there are different types of nerd rage. There’s the righteous “why didn’t they cast any Asian actors in Doctor Strange? Why is there no Black Widow merch? Why did Ripley’s shoes only come in male sizes?” types who have legitimate complaints. There are the detail fanatics who get angry over a costume change or