There are actually people complaining about Spider-Man being quippy, and I’m not sure I want to live in this world anymore.
There are actually people complaining about Spider-Man being quippy, and I’m not sure I want to live in this world anymore.
What pisses me off more than anything about last night’s episode is the shit I’ve had to wade through afterward.
A blank check from Disney? Like this one?
At this point I think Disney just give Robert Downey Jr.a blank cheque book and just lets him write down whatever figure he wants to be paid as long as he agrees to keep showing up in Movies.
>> Is the character supposed to be Japanese?
Motoko Kusanagi
Line about Perry White pushing people into traffic shamelessly stolen from Katharine Trendacosta
Valar Morghulis
See, America, we Canadians also have people who rush past the point of an article just so they can sling partisanship at a person involved in it!
Meh. You’re either into them or not. These aren’t supposed to be Oscar contenders. They’re popcorn movies. For me, I read these comics as a kid, begging my parents for money to buy them. Now I’m an adult with my own money and I get to see my favorite characters on the big screen. Don’t like the movies? That’s cool.…
most have actually been pretty forgettable.
...the idea was promptly scrapped, upon seeing the results.
Jeebuz. Did you both just come to a reasonable compromise of opinion and equally take credit for any misunderstanding in the initial encounter? And you did it online? you think I wrote the article? Can...can you not read?
Did you not read the actual article and only the title? A book can present characters as flawed and fallible and still not be racist.
Cat needs to check him/herself, you’ve been watching that thing prance around naked for ages.
Hell, sit naked with your cat for all anyone cares.
There’s no way Affleck’s film can retell Batman’s origin.
So wait.... we’ve had 15 movies to set up Thanos and yet we’re still not going to spend any real time with him until the first Infinity War movie.
Ill be that guy. Why is there all this asian imagery and all white people?
If you squint really hard at the comment section, you can almost spot the BvS fans...