Now playing

For months I had my 8 year old son and his friends convinced the next character was going to be Thomas. Their level of disturbed was lovely... as was hearing their speculation on movesets. I still hold out hope it will some day be real:

::googles “Hinkie stan”::
::finds no definition::
::considers Urban Dictionary possibilities::

Highlight truther: “Check out the handball when he got down on the ground.”

Came here to post just this. These bots absolutely completely ruin the gaming experience for hundreds of thousands of other players who spend a great deal of time and resources for their entertainment. It is a similar concept to doping in sports. Cheating to get ahead, unfair advantage against other players, being a

Correct. You’re getting the hang of this internet thing kiddo.

^ This please.

Feel exactly the same. While many of the points in that movie were obviously very valid... by being so veryvery obviously biased it ruins the overall message. Tell the story fairly, present the facts, and it should (and in SeaWorld’s case would very likely) stand on it’s own. This was just shameful documentary work.

“Come Thou Tortoise” by Jessica Grant. One of the most lovely, funny, brilliant, and moving books I’ve ever come across. It renewed my love for reading... and awoke a new period of happiness in my life. I’ve been on a search for a book of similar magical-ness for a long time now with no luck.

A quirky/slow/funny girl

I’d buy piss in a bucket. And so would the internet. Right now. Blizz. Please let me buy your piss. $20 a jug.

Cool gif. Extremely annoying guy.

No. This looks like shit and you can’t make me care. ::poutypoutface::

This. The content is fucking boring. Orcs and humans has always been meh. It needs more of the expanded charming Warcraft universe Blizzard has been successful with. =(

Yeah I was a huge WoW fan, etc... and the orcs/humans were honestly the most boring characters to me in the WoW universe. It feels kind of silly to limited everything to only this story and not bring in all the charm of the games. Even the original games had some very fun and almost silly tidbits. I feel like Blizzard

Summary of video? (fuck these bloated video lists)

Seattle Seahawks Superbowl parade seemed similar in epic-ness. More people attended than entire population of the city... and that’s leaving out TONS of people unable to make it into the city due to traffic and all buses over-packed at furthest-away stops. Was a mess.. but a very joyous one.

Looks fun. Nice work KC.

This is lovely and you can’t convince me otherwise.

What? I’m confused... this directly says “The new television series is not related to the upcoming feature film”. Sure it might have Kurtzman... but it’s not based on the movies? What am I missing here?

Yeah I was excited, my young son is obsessed with birds right now and this seemed like a perfect xmas gift.... but the quality of illustration is just so meh compared to most other birdy thingees. =(

It’s almost like this article was already written about today around here... why didn’t y’all just cross-post it like usual? =P