
Yeah I love quirky advertising and all... and the over-the-top can be fun... but I wonder if we’re beginning to reach our tripping point where the laser-dino-explosion-cats theme is getting overdone. Which company needs to use the theme for it to be considered passe?

But they were striving to win... the championship. =)

Speed > quality here it seems. gg <3

Ha I had no idea who this was, but I’m happy he has a great backstory. =D

Now playing

I watched this video a number of times and it took a while to figure out what the hell he did. A quick search found me a nice example:


Back when I lived in Minneapolis there was a huge bowling alley that had one of those video jukeboxes that would play whatever songs chosen on the TVs over everyone’s alley. The available selections there were generally awful pop, but for some reason they had this lovely song. One of my favorite things ever was when I

No because then you have to spend the first 30 minutes grinding up to get where you want to test... and then you get to try something once.. and then you might need to wait for another 5 minutes or so between trials. Plus AIs are sadly dumb... and blahblahblah.

...but what about the water dodge at the end of the clip! I find that even more impressive. Man is a ninja.


The hell is that policy? What? Huh?

After numerous failed experiments (hot dogs inside burgers? newp), I’ve found that mixing a little bit of panko into the burger meat make them a lot of fun. Sometimes I put a lot of extra on the outside before frying them up. The little bit of crunchy texture satisfies the “charred meat” part of the brain quite

Yep. I’m sad it wasn’t a bear... but the replayability of this clip made up for it.. a little.

No Android, don’t care. =\

Sorry this isn’t a real Animal Crossing game. -=\

Psst. That’s the joke.

Just wanted to give a big thanks to Stephen for voicing many of our concerns so well, and pushing so hard to try and get a worthwhile answer. Posting the transcript was very helpful as well. Very open and well-done journalism.

Fuck you Nintendo.

No thanks, it’ll just make me sad. Nintendo is trolling everyone. No Metroid, no Animal Crossing, unlikely Zelda, no real news, bunch of quick lazy half-titles nobody wants. Such sad face.... =(