
Fuck you Nintendo.

No thanks, it’ll just make me sad. Nintendo is trolling everyone. No Metroid, no Animal Crossing, unlikely Zelda, no real news, bunch of quick lazy half-titles nobody wants. Such sad face.... =(

Brilliant. Kendrick Perkins is on the Cavs.
-That’s the joke.

Wait, this wasn’t about Dahntay? TRICKERY.

“As harsh (and funny) as some of these entries are, I gotta give it to Kotaku: they aren’t mincing words here! Some games are just not good, at least when it comes to the competitive metagame. Might as well have some fun while delivering the bad news.”

Love love love.

Love long books, love world-building, love this genre, but I could only slog through 60% or so of this thing before I threw in the towel and moved on to more enjoyable reads. If there was nobody likable and nothing meaningful happening at that point.. ugh. I am planning to check out the series though... there seemed

Lived here in Seattle for 7 years... still haven’t been up on the Space Needle because of the cost. Illogical? Sure. But fuck that price.

Um. They’re “remaking” any discarded bricks. That’s part of the deal. So this is a non-issue. But it sure looks hilariously bad.

“The article goes on to say that the Cubs have sent out letters to those who had pavers near the main entrance at Clark & Addison and told those people that the pavers would eventually be

Yep this is what I thought the game would be about.... and was left disappointed.

Um. Because sugar is tasty?

If they signed an NDA and all sorts of legal contract stuff, then this bricking seems fine. I know if someone volunteered at my company, signed the NDA, and then spilled our secrets to the world, there would be legal ramifications. This is “just a video game”, but it’s also a large company’s property and work that

Incoming Seahawks whining.

Pretty sure they’re just roasting him in preparation of hiring him... only explanation I can see. Year-long obsession/crush and finally he might be single!

Yeah this was just sad actually. Poor guy. I don’t get the humor in this one. And then I tried to think of a pun to shield my pain but I... no I won’t do it.

So if Dasani comes out with “Dasani Charity” brand water, charges an extra $1, and donates 5 cents to a charity... is that OK? Point is that these “fake” charities take away lots from legit ones. People donate to a fake charity and think “oh.. I did my good deed(s) for the day/week/month”.. and ignore other meaningful

Post of the day. There is nothing else that could possibly compete.

Extremely valid point, the batteries have all sorts of toxic wastes associated with them that are often left out of the discussion.. production/usage/disposal/etc. Of course all tech does these days, but we just need to make sure we’re actively striving to do things in a clean way and there are safeguards to clean