I hate roguelikes and I absolutely love Hades. Pick it up - you won’t be sorry! Sunk so many hours into it without it ever feeling repetitive.
I hate roguelikes and I absolutely love Hades. Pick it up - you won’t be sorry! Sunk so many hours into it without it ever feeling repetitive.
We say “Fuck that Nazi Pope”.
A fucking....AUTO RUNNER?!?!
Big FF7 and Remake fan here but sorry herding cats (literally) isn’t fleshing out the world. The side quests in that game were awful, no sense in trying to defend it.
You’ve really been beating the same drum regarding criticism around Cyberpunk. Every article same story. About how Witcher 3 was bad at the start and came to be beloved, and how we forget so quickly about broken-at-launch games, ad nauseum. We get it.
Blackwater mercenaries
They reported on the Duncan Hunter case numerous times. It’s a logical continuation of that story.
The “mediocre” game that hovers around a 90% critical rating on PC, PS5, Xbox Series S, Series X and Stadia? It’s fine if you don’t like it but your whole premise is based around the ‘fact’ that this is a mediocre game, and for all the Reddit wish lists of what it could/should have been, the fact is that these 13…
While I love my PS5, the need to also install a PS4 version of a game is maddening and I don’t get it. Why is there a PS4 version of Valhalla or Legion or Miles Morales on my external drive? I didn’t buy the PS4 version of those games. I’m talking about having the legit PS5 UHD disc. Just to see if they were…
I don’t understand this pain you’re in but I am fascinated by it, if that helps
Maybe if Sony didn’t lock basic cloud saves behind PS+, developers wouldn’t need to.
Most people scoffed at Microsoft’s “Smart Delivery” tech as just marketing-speak for something that was thought to be a basic expectation. While they didn’t clearly distinguish themselves from what Sony were doing with PS5, they clearly anticipated this sort of confusion and clunkiness and worked to avoid it, so good…
It just has a lot more issues than a console UI should.
Well, to be fair it might nuke your external drive. But, yes, Cyberpunk is way more buggy.
You really buried the lede with this one. Breakdown is an underrated GEM. While the controls are definitely unwieldy, if you can clear that barrier to entry you will find a thrilling, creative, highly imaginative first-person adventure.
I also adore Little Nightmares. Good month for Gold members, to be sure.
as an xbox player out of everything I lust over from playstation (the exclusives mainly) the UI is not something I ever want to deal with. it’s like someone at Sony HQ just loves long rows and no one can talk them out of it. meanwhile microsoft has overhauled their UI like 30 times this generation but each time it…
So, in conclusion to all the other replies: Upgrading from PS4 to PS5 is a gods damned pain in the ass and even if Sony wins the generation in terms of sales, Microsoft’s customers are the winners right now.
After a month and a half(ish) of using the PS5, I feel like I can safely say I don’t think this interface was actually tested before installed on the hardware.
I have the disc for Miles Morales PS5, and the PS5 kept showing me the PS4 version instead of the PS5 version I installed. When I’d click on it, I was given the option of buying the PS4 version.
After a month and a half(ish) of using the PS5, I feel like I can safely say I don’t think this interface was actually…
The big one will be when it stops trying to copy the PS4 version off the disc when you already have the PS5 upgrade installed. I can’t start my PS4 with any Ubisoft or EA Sports titles already in it because it immediately starts trying to copy the PS4 versions and it makes my disc drive sound like it’s gonna take off…