
You're talking to the stupidest active account on Gizmodo. 

Apple is a lifestyle brand first; there is nothing surprising about them rebranding an existing technology, and marketing it as better and different, reality be damned.

I mean, seeing as it is already a dystopian hellscape for people who give zero fucks about where their food comes from, why not?

Actually yes. I travel a lot, and I love going through timeline to see the places I’ve been. I use this feature a lot.

Man, I wish they’d go for a “less is more“ approach to trailers, rather than this Reader’s Digest approach to spoiling who dies and how.

That is an incredibly naive point of view.

Should is often used to indicate that something is likely to come to pass. "to indicate what is probable" is the second definition in the dictionary. 

which makes it difficult for people to rely on ChatGPT in their workdays.”

Don't do it. Nothing good comes from going through old block lists. 

I certainly haven’t received my Elon Benefits Check!

AI has absolutely demolished my industry (I’m a Voiceover Artist). A LOT of my bread-and-butter; phone trees, museum exhibits, training modules, etc... has been completely supplanted by AI (and no, only a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of the industry is union eligible, that’s not helpful to the vast majority of voice

What specifically are you talking about?

Naw, the UFOs are just the video cameras sending a feed of humans to alien civilizations, like intergalactic reality TV. 

You forgot the one where we’re in a simulation, and UFOs are spying on us, Truman Show style. 

Weird how in this era where everyone has a 4k video camera in their pocket at all times, there still isn’t any remotely plausible evidence of intelligent UFO visits.

I’ll give it a shot, but I’m not feeling it. He just doesn’t have that Cavill long-suffering, resigned eyeroll.

You’re right to ask, see here:

Why is it cheaper? You’re asking the wrong question. As with most drugs, the question you should be asking is “why is it so expensive”? Because there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for semaglutide to be anywhere near as expensive as it currently is.

I’m not convinced. I highly recommend reading the study on JAMA. Takeaways:

This article doesn’t really hit without pics. Also, I dunno, this wasn’t a ticketed event, this is not really a story the way the Wonka one was.