
Twister was really, really dumb the same year that Independence Day was somehow dumber. They are a perfect time capsule of dopey 90s filmmaking, and this cannot be recreated now, without devolving into a nostalgia mess where the “sequel” is just remixed moments from the original (looking at you Coming to America: The R

There it is. 

Thank you. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills (other than the benzos prescribed). 

It is insane to me that this is a controversial take. 

Truly insane takes. I can’t believe some of the commentary here, proclaiming that this is an exit from the console market. It’s so, so dumb. 

VR doesn’t move the needle for most people. Sony’s VR sales have underperformed even the modest expectations, with a massive price drop expected next month or soon thereafter.

Oh stop. You weren’t referring to existing purchase libraries, you were referring to first party games / exclusives. I’m not a massive outlier, everyone is concerned with keeping their library of games regardless of size.

“Don’t worry Xbox superfans, you’ll have more black and green plastic boxes to buy in the future”

I beg to differ. Libraries of games are system sellers. At this point, most people’s entire game investment is a digital library. If I would like to continue to have access to the 1500 odd xbox games I own, I’m going to keep buying xboxes, not playstations going forward. 

Hey dude - I can see you responded to something I said to someone, but I think your comment got Kotaku’d because I cannot find it. In any case, I think you and I have gone back and forth on physical before, but I don’t want you to think I just dismissed. 

Will always take performance, any console, any game. I look forward to this not needing to be a choice at all. 

which platform owners artificially block when it comes to digital purchases.”

Anyone who even sees this as a slideshow is doing the Internet wrong. 

I absolutely love these games. Usually, I have zero love for base building but I have spent weeks making beautiful habitats. The exploration is truly unparalleled.

TW3 added entire gameplay systems that fundamentally changed the game very, very late. 

Highly recommend Jeff Gerstmann's latest podcast on this topic, if you want a sober analysis. 

That's a hilarious interpretation of "limitation". I'd much rather be able to walk to to any xbox and download anything in my library of over a thousand games. 

Is this show good good, dumb good, or bad? 

This whole “church of xbox” thing is REALLY stupid. 

When there is absolutely nothing that I care about under a giant umbrella, it’s easy to avoid. If they could acquire Harry Potter, it would be perfect.