
I think she dangled a marriage with her daughter and a fat dowry along with it. 

Judy would shred Shiv like human string cheese.

I was just thinking about how ironic it is that the beginning of Fox News’ current problem is the result of someone there actually trying to be a legitimate news outlet. Calling AZ for Biden in 2020 was what a real news organization should do, but once they did, their entire “infotainment” operation went into cardiac

One thing I thought was funny about the Fox News revelations was this one exchange between Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham trashing the serious news people at Fox like popular kids picking on the nerds.

When did you stop? I feel like I was mainstream by dropping out soon after Negan showed up. The episode when he kills Glen was exciting but I just totally became disinterested after that. I’ve checked back in sporadically.

They’re moving pretty fast if they already got to the capital and killed Tess by the end of part 2. I’m guessing maybe a dozen episodes for each game and a third for the dlc and some filler will be it. They already said somewhere it would be finite, which is smart. Also, somewhere around episode 7 or so, people are

You may be in the minority, but you’re not alone. To me, it was very thin, but because it’s White Lotus (aka prestige TV), a lot of the thinness got passed off as purposeful. A lot of people read a lot of depth into the things that went unsaid, but in the end there wasn’t a lot of “there” there.

I loved the repeated theme of “The real sin of cheating is not the infidelity itself, but the victimization.” It’s more about power than sex.

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I thought that was a terrible finale of a weak season.

I believe that Hale still wants to access the Sublime and that she’s accessing whatever left of Dolores inside her...

Once again, Aaron Paul just wrecks the episode with his terrible acting.

Although I like the idea of him being so incapacitated that even the GOP can’t Weekend-at-Bernie’s him through as a figurehead anymore, yet remining lucid enough to know how weak and pathetic he remained.

Yeah, my niece’s husband has a two-head and I’m just waiting for him to do something awful.

For many years my sister believed she killed our great grandfather because he died four days after she was born, hours after seeing her picture for the first time.  She was 11 or 12 when our great aunt explained he willed himself to live long enough to see her picture.

Jesus, that header image.   He looks like some unholy cross between a televangelist and a used car salesman.

It's just part of the uniform, like how the people at fast food restaurants wear little paper hats. 

These folks are en fuego hoy!

This guy was so bad, he successfully argued for the criminal arrest of his own client. He could have come out tap dancing and it would have been less bizarre than whatever the hell he did today. But the GOP is so craven that they will pretend Trump’s slow-witted, incompetent lawyers presented brilliant arguments for

Hey Q-Anon Losers,

Feinstein is 87. She’s not a Boomer! The Boomer generation starts in 1946, and Feinstein was born in 1933. And by the way, I’m a Boomer, and I plan to retire at 66 so that I have a chance to live my best life.