
Didn’t you know that that is what the latin name (Orcinus Orca) for them means?

Some cat pics to cheer you up:

Well, birth control is not really 100% effective (though still a lot better than going without of course). Saying this as someone whose mother had him at forty despite using birth control.

Quoting myself from a few months ago: “Just so you know - it is only body shaming if it is directed at a decent person.

Used to be the xenophobic party in my country didn’t get enough votes to get into the parliament (four percent of the votes needed). It managed to pass that limit in 2010. It did not take long for it to start to get even more popular. Seeing it get even more popular I said: “You know, the fact that they’ve gotten this

This is pretty ridiculous.

Me? I even have some previous experience since I used to go around as a påskkärring as a child (even if my memories of it are a bit vague to be honest).

Used to go out as a påskkärring with my sister (and some of her friends) when I was little. With scarves and freckles like in the video but done a bit better (if reality agrees with my memory). And we did also give them a small handdrawn picture that we in exchange for got either candy or some money. In most cases

Can experience something that reminds me of what you’re describing.

Totally agree. Where I live pretty much any movie and most of the TV-shows in English are going to have closed captions and so we’re used to it. Didn’t know that this was a phenomenon (not liking closed captions) until I learned of it from said movies and TV-shows.

I also have CAPD and like you have issues with backgrounds noise and having to ask people to repeat themselves several times (until they got tired of it) because what I heard didn’t make sense.

Had to like this because it is something I also see as an issue here on Jezebel. And even the most trivial things can trigger it too.

Okay, here’s my contribution:

This used to be what my cat did when I was little and went to bed. She had a permanent place on the upper part of the pillow and would groom my hair if my own grooming did not pass muster.

I remember reading about one woman that had trained her cats to use the toilet instead of the litter box.

Have always wondered why he seemed completely ignorant of what a nurt (nirt?) was despite wearing one himself.

I’ve long been amused by the fact that whenever we go out for pizza, people take so long to decide what they want to get. Of course since there’s really only one pizza I eat (with just cheese, tomatosauce and ham on it) there’s no need to weigh between several different combinations.

Well, it kind of reminds me of Idun’s apples in Norse mythology (which the Aesir had to eat regularly in order to stay youthful) but with the opposite effect.

Cats do often play with their prey but they usually prefer to give their prey the illusion of escape rather than actually letting them escape (like your Buster does).

Well, I’m in the greys so my post in the greys.