I believe you mean vicious unless her body has a most unusual consistency.
I believe you mean vicious unless her body has a most unusual consistency.
Do you have them on leashes when you go outside?
Well, if it is a cat accustomed to being outdoors two days isn’t that long.
I remember when we were trying to find our cat (who was just a kitten at the time) and worried that he might have gone outside.
I have never seen a cat that seemed to wish to be a dog.
My sister’s ex and father of two of her children died of congestive heart failure in his fifties.
This reminds me of one rant that I read about what was wrong with America.
Just so you know - it is only body shaming if it is directed at a decent person.
Don’t know if I entirely agree with that assessment or at least that it is so universal as you seem to think.
There are a few cats that do enjoy belly rubs though.
Don’t really think cats happen to be what I take pictures of the most but I have still taken a few (thousand) pictures of cats.
Because the autistic community would rather see that autistic people are accepted as they are instead of seen as broken and in need of fixing?
Found this some time ago which I think illustrates what you’re saying very well: http://thescientificparent.org/vaccines-dont-…
I think that if you say something like: “But we are never going to get any where if we negate all progress made anytime someone who made it has flaws.” in regards to issue the church has towards to child molestation that you are minimizing it as an issue and relegating it as something that is not very important.
People are flawed, yes and should be taken as such.