Expanse HBIC

Same here! I don’t even get distracted by grocery store or chain store sweets. Krispy Kreme? Nah. I will make special trips into the city for Veniero’s mini canolis, fruit tarts, or a cheesecake.

Like who are these people that only use one or two cloves? Can they even garlic? Half a head or GTFO. And those teeny tiny cloves that cluster near a big fat one? Straight to the trash. Ain’t no one got time for that. Probably why I go through three heads of garlic a week.

TBH though, white people ignore the horribleness of their peeps in all industries. With dentists or used car salesmen it’s just usually not as deadly.

It was always that shifty-eyed bitch, Professor Plum

I get it, but that just ain’t a wypipo thing. I’ve had women friends of all shades pull that shit. Recently, I reached out to an old friend on FB after three years. We met up for happy hour and within twenty minutes I realized why I stopped hanging out with her. She’s Black.

Technically, I think Lucifer only killed like ten people. Meanwhile every three weeks was smiting Tuesday for the deity with the temperament of a three-year old at bedtime.

Long live the King! I’m watching her on Season 3 of American Crime and she’s excellent as a social worker trying to help people get out of sex trafficking. When it comes to these kind of intense roles she can totally bring it. Sud is a good handler for this type of drama. While The Killing stumbled on plot (WTF Season

This is awesome. Thank you for sharing your story. Over the years I’ve come to really appreciate my therapist. Sure, she doesn’t look like me, but that’s okay. All skin-folk ain’t kin-folk, and I was looking for healing, not a new bestie.

SPEAK ON IT! If cable news had done their godsdamned jobs we wouldn’t be in this mess. The “journalists” legitimized Trump and the companies basked in the glow of buttloads of money. The shitshow never could have happened without the 24/7 Trumpathon. They broadcasted his empty podium for how long? Other candidates

51 seconds before I bounced. What the everloving fuck? Basic, pumpkin spice loving Beckys sound better.

Alamo Drafthouse is your friend. Assigned seating, plenty of room, no bad seats even up front or on the sides, snacks, booze...movie going done right.

I HATE going to the movies opening weekend. Double hate doing it for Marvel movies. We didn’t see Thor until right before Christmas. I bought our Black Panther tickets for 2/18 like two weeks ago. The only other movie that got me in the theatre opening weekend was Wonder Women. Yet movies starring not white guys can’t

Since they’ll only be arresting black & brown people, 34,000 agents might cover it. Still need a hundred or so to bust the pedos. Another hundred to record everything black & brown people say or do because they can’t let those bastards at the CIA & NSA have the only copies.

As someone who knew early on that kids were a NOPE, NADA NOWAY, I’m glad you’ve found peace with how life has turned out and wish you many exciting child free adventures!

Superstition is okay. It’s got all the trappings that I like. Magic, good vs evil, the family that slays together stays together, etc. There’s just something a little off that keeps me from falling in love like I did with Wynonna Earp. Maybe it takes itself a little too seriously and needs a bit of humor. Maybe the

Health insurance. If it wasn’t for that sweet, sweet $15 co-pay, I’d be outta here.

Move over Grandma Got Run Over. It’s gonna be a Dashiki Tree Christmas this year!

They aren’t trying because they’re too busy taking checks from the same people feeding money to Team Red. As long as money equals speech we are well and truly fucked. Perhaps Mother Nature will do us all a favor and hit the reset button.

At my last job, I actually called them mental health days, but it was kind of taken as a joke by the boss. He was always very cool about it though and I got my needed day away from the circus of our office. Wonder if he had the same struggle and chose to be kind rather than judgmental? Hmmm.

A couple of years ago when things were really bad, I couldn’t leave the house some days because “accidents”. Falling down the stairs. Not seeing that bus while crossing the street. Slipping on the platform and landing front of the subway. Sometimes I couldn’t get to therapy because fear of these “accidents.” It was a