Expanse HBIC

Dr. Strange made me angry with how boring it was. Superhero movies can be stupid or confusing or laughable, but for gods sake don’t be boring!

Yes! It’s always a tough decision between Avengers and WS for best Marvel movie.

Not only does it take the soul, it takes friggin everyday useful stores and turns them into coffee shops, restaurants and bars. Fine. Great. Super. Does EVERY new business have to be one of these?

Black cats are the BEST! I’ve always had black kitties. The current one is a one-eyed beast that loves ghetto fried chicken and grabbing ankles. She is FIERCE!

Hey now! I might know your blerd group. Did y’all do a Luke Cage watch party at Way Station? If yes, haaaay! If you’re in a different group, I’d love to connect our two groups and make our Alamo takeover dreams come true!

When the shit hits the fan you KNOW Ray Ray and Pookie gonna hold it down. Becky gonna try and flash her little bitty titties to get in, but Big Mama’s not having any of that shit.

Terrified they’ll fuck it up. I have lovely mind pictures of what the Oankali look like and Lilith’s interaction with them. It’s good enough.

I’m in Romance and the Beckys are even worse. If I had a dollar for the “I’ll just make everyone white” or “I can’t do ANYTHING”....well, I wouldn’t be trying to scrap out a living as an author.

You are not starting in a good place. The next step when you discover you might have stumbled into StereotypeLand isn’t to throw up your hands and think about making the character white.

“write those characters if it’s important to your story to do so.”

They’re putting “Dawn” on TV??? Nope. Not gonna watch. Octavia Butler *RIP. Shakes fist at sky. DAMN YOU STAIRS* is the reason I started writing. She made me believe Black women could be the hero and lead us into a new future.

That was their SPOT! Damn you gentrification. Last time I saw them was a few years ago on Nostrand Ave/Fulton St. LOL some BradChadThad was engaging and if I wasn’t already late for an appointment, I would’ve stayed for the show.

Oh, not THAT part of Fulton. The BedStuy part.

Forget the same block. You can get that shit in the same STORE. Fulton Ave, baby.


Italian salad dressing...hell any salad dressing (but not that thousand island shit) with tuna is delish.

Nah. When the POC are gone, they’ll just go after Catholics, Jews, gays, vegetarians, people who don’t like football, people who wear plaid, etc. until there’s one white dude left clutching his gun alone in the dark. Still scared.

Fuuuuuck. Look at how things went from bad to shitting the bed in 2006. This is eye-opening. And sickening. WTF America?

Heh. Nostrand & Bergen doesn’t exist....yet. That’s the location of NAP, but I see you’ve been there before. :)

IKR? What the ever loving fuck?