
I swear I do not. I realize people on the Internet can be quite terrible, but that’s not me. I wish we could send private messages here, this would probably be better handled that way, but I’ll ask the questions anyway and you can answer or not if you wish. This is inspired by the test Croesus gave the Oracles of the

Last night I went on a first date with an OKC guy. Everything we was going okay, until he stated that “he hates Hindus”. My response was cool it with the racism, and I continued to call him out as he drove me to my car. Aparently spending the night with me is like a check your privilege fest (according to a post date

I had a fabulous job interview this week. It’s more than a little daunting—they want someone to come in and basically set up a copy editing department for the North American offices of an international ad agency—and I could fall flat on my face, but it also sounds so much more interesting and rewarding than anything

every time i see a kinja notification, i sigh and say, “what stupid shit did i say this time?”

WTH is happening with the elevator door?! UGH too creepy.

Ooh! Can you explain?

It’s also supposedly the last place that Elizabeth Short aka The Black Dahlia was seen alive.

I was excused from jury duty once for this very reason. The defendant walked into the courtroom before we heard any details of the case. I took one look at him and thought, “Child molester.” Turns out, that was exactly what he was being tried for.

Both the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association view sex reassignment surgery as medically necessary, not elective. It may be hard for you to understand, but denying a trans individual access to necessary medical care is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment. The

While I’m generally sympathetic to the plight of the formerly incarcerated when it comes to job hunting, my sympathy dries up somewhat when you lash out in anger and (however accidentally) maim someone.

Erik is being a typical conservative. If and only if it happens to someone they know is something out of line or deserving of empathy. Wendy Davis, Sandra Fluke, Hillary, those women deserve all the hatred that can be dished out, and in the most vulgar way possible. Megyn Kelly? OMG, this is awful, how can someone be

As in Jen insinuated it’s him or someone else. I know she came out and said something and ppl perceived it to be about him. I really really want to know. I feel so uneasy about supporting someone who may be sexually harassing women but I also like his stuff and think a lot of it is really smart.


I miss Williams too, but I say we celebrate his wonderful work every chance we get! That movie was an instant classic, and it deserves to be regarded and referred to as such.

Imperfections turn me on

If you look behind Will Ferrel, you can see Gwen and Gavin sitting in the next row.

Ben had sex with like a million women who weren’t the nanny. Gavin had sex with like a million men and women who weren’t nannies. Why are people so fixated on that?

Oddly, it’s Nicki who comes out of this looking the worst to me. Girl, how can you stand by such a clown? HE WAS YOUR REBOUND.

That scarf has a purpose: it’s the “Elegant silk sash designed by Anne Rothschild”!!! My mom was a L’eggs woman in the 70s/80s. My sister and I would put the plastic egg halves under our shirts and pretend they were boobs. I don't know why I felt the need to tell you that.