
I appreciate your (rare) open mindedness but I’m definitely done discussing this.

I think you want to make fun of me like GhostOfCourtneyStoddensBoobs.

Ugh, OkStupid. I definitely don't miss that shit. I feel your pain.

Unlike The Long Island Talon Lady (who I also believe is a fraud), I don’t do this for money. I think that is unethical. I do this to help spirits who are suffering.

I’ve accepted that not everyone is going to believe me. You can make jokes at my expense, but keep in mind, I was a hardcore skeptic like you not too long ago.

Like I mentioned in another post: spirits can cause electrical objects to malfunction because they need energy to communicate. I’ve experienced spirits draining the battery from my flashlight, my iPhone, my television, and even the smoke detector in my bedroom (definitely not fun at 2 a.m.)

Murphy better watch his back. I’d write about my personal experiences dealing with spirits, but I’ve heard they don’t take kindly to being exploited for entertainment.

Spirits manifest in different ways. Most of the time I see wisps of smoke (like incense). Rarely I’ll see a full body apparition that looks like a person. Even rarer than that I’ll see a vapor cloud. At the 3:10 mark there seems to be a person-size vapor cloud when the door closes that remains there. You could argue

I’m a medium and I believe around the 3:10 mark that there is a spirit standing in the doorway of the elevator after the door closes.

I love that she’s petting her fur coat like it’s alive.

Bye appetite.

Jen said “he’s basically a French filmmaker at this point. You know, new material every year...this person was married.” What other male comedian is “basically a French filmmaker” besides Louis CK?

Are you talking about Girl(s)?

*Carly reads this article and slides a $20 bill under the door of the Jezebel offices*

He should hire Drake(’s ghostwriter).

Start with Jen Kirkman.

He needs a ghostwriter.

How exactly do you descredit a rumor like that? Pulling a Bill Cosby and suing the victims?

Cher’s tweets > Cher’s music.

Sports is the new religion.