
The boy weighed 30 pounds when he was found

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

The video ... ends with the girl hanging from the tree for around 20 minutes as the sun sets, while a woman off-camera can be heard calling her name.

I find the headline misleading. When I clicked I expected it to be that FB was refusing to remove the video for whatever reason- instead it’s people sharing, which FB can’t be privy to every post. Using “can’t GET FB” to delete implies FB is actively refusing.

Between this and Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom, I did a lot of surreptitious crying at my desk today.

But if we donate to Planned Parenthood or immigrants or whoever, how are we going to brag about it? Can we make t-shirts that say, like “WHITE SAVIOR” or something?


White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

I assume that will be in the fall collection.

But does it come with a key fob that declares “I have POC friends” ...?

I have known a couple people who had wolf-dog hybrids, but those were farm folks and accidental breedings. Apparently they can be good companions, but you really, really need to know what the fuck you’re doing.

maybe you should... you know, report her? That wolf pup should be in a sanctuary, not be a house pet. I would say free the wolf pup into the wild but it probably has no survival skills, thanks to your friend.

I hate stupid people who buy fucking wolves and try to turn them into dogs. If that thing hurts someone, she is fucked.

A co-worker is one of those people who thought it would be cool to own a wolf pup; she got him from a breeder in California, I think. He was adorable as a puppy, but even then when he was teething and would nip at your fingers, it hurt. Now he’s bigger than she is (she is rather petite), and several people, myself

They are super cool looking when they get a bit older

I mean...I like to hold a book too, but damn. Until someone opens a bookstore with free classics in my bedroom and I have a free book carrier to follow me everywhere, I gotta stick with my kobo.

There was a 100 pen set of gel pens at Costco the other day for fifteen and I literally gasped and had to be talked out of them by my boyfriend.

Bic Cristal pens are shit. They’re the ones we give out to the extras on set to fill out their paperwork because we know we won’t get them back.

My greatest accomplishment of 2016, and my entire life, probably, was using a pen until it completely ran out of ink. I didn’t lose it. I didn’t chew it up until it was unusable. Nobody borrowed it during a meeting then kept it. I used up all the ink in the pen. Even now I’m kind of basking in the glow of that memory

I find this to be an unpopular opinion among my largely 35-50 year old friends, but goddam I love my e-reader and I don’t care who knows it. It has that nice e-ink thing so it looks just like a novel. I can carry a kajillion books in one tiny package. It remembers what page I was on. I needed a third book in a trilogy