
Members and staff of the Missouri House are currently offered sexual harassment training, but it is not required.

In some more traditional circles, I got flack when I was deciding if I would keep or change my name; why would it even be a question, they wondered. Once I did (after a lot of consideration and introspection), I got flack from some feminist circles. There is no winning in the name-change game.

Me, too! I’m an academic librarian, and it only took me four years of jobs not quite in my profession to get here. So, yay?

My black cat Sanguine agrees with your assessment that she’s stunning.

Yes, and it’s called the Pink Tax.

What a terrible example of what love is supposed to look like.

Great Schools says that they have a 15% black student population. If the total number of students is still around 400, he’s probably one of about 25.

That’s why I prefer We Love Colors, too. I’m a plus size gal, and even when stores do carry my size (and I’m just a 16, so some straight-size clothing lines fit), oftentimes the larger sizes only come in extremely boring colors. I’m so tired of looking at a stand of tights where S-L are in vibrant colors or

That’s why I prefer We Love Colors, too. I’m a plus size gal, and even when stores do carry my size (and I’m just a

I’m a librarian on a satellite campus with a largely non-traditional student base. Being a librarian on this campus means that I’m out in the open for the duration of my shift. I have no office, and two of the four walls in here are large windows.

Ugh yes. One of my husband’s friends (an actual friend...at the time) was pressing me about our relationship and why we got married. I told him it was because I love him. He replied, “I know you love him, but is it like how you love puppies? Because I can work with that.”

Yes! I love a good wink. When not done creepily, it makes me feel like a co-conspirator, like I’ve entered a secret or inside joke with someone. One of my dearest friends is so good at this; she can wink at you when she’s teasing or telling a story and it makes you feel special.

Changed since three months ago? You are full of more optimism than I, my friend.

One of the creators wrote an essay in June on finding his manhood. The article has such gems as these:

People are comparing this email scandal to Watergate, which shook America’s faith in elected officials and forever tarnished Nixon’s name and legacy. Although you have taken meager steps in mitigating the problems, voters continue to pull away, preferring the more authentic style of Bernie Sanders, and we’re barely

Come on, now. She wasn’t running for President in 2013. You can’t expect her to be ideologically consistent!

$119 for the average Joe; $50 for students. Of course, that doesn’t include the nightly accommodation rate of $200+, assuming you stay at the hotel.

Same. One of my coworkers calls me “missy” (note: my name isn’t Melissa or anything like that), and I think it’s endearing. The problem I see is that she didn’t know how comfortable the other woman would be with it before using it. I call one of my former professors Doc BK, which is short for Dr. Bee’s Knees because

Are we sure this is her boss? Peachy Monster said “I IM’ed a department head” not “my” or “the” department head. Given that she’s making requests for items to be delivered to her desk, it sounds more like a peer than a supervisor. I’m not sure how much that changes things, but it’s not as much of an issue this way.

Every single year WV Republican legislators introduce a bill (in the House and Senate) wanting to establish English as the official language. They’ve never made it out of committee. The legislators know the bills will never make it out of committee. It’s nothing more than a show for their conservative/prejudiced

Depends on your definition of “good.” They reacted, but mostly not positively. The professor was amused, and some people were genuinely surprised. Most of them looked absolutely disgusted and/or horrified.